Chapter 43 - Don't Go

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Donna reached the boarding gate, joining the queue of people waiting to board she pulled out her phone thinking she had a few moments until it was her turn to be boarded. Switching the phone on she noticed 6 missed calls from Taylor, the brunette instantly dialled her daughters number assuming something must be wrong. Suddenly she had a sense of panic fearing the worst, her stomach began to twist as the call rang out.  Just as her anxiety was about to peak her daughter answered, "Mum", the young girl sounded out of breath.

"Taylor, are you ok, what's wrong?" she replied hurriedly

"I'm fine Mum, don't worry" she panted

"Taylor where are you, why are you out of breath?" the brunette asked still panicking

"Mum you can't get on the plane"

"Why?, What's going on? you're scaring me now Taylor, just tell me what's wrong" she demanded

Music cut over Taylor's voice making it nearly impossible for Donna to hear her daughter, "Taylor are you there?" she asked, pressing the phone closer to her ear and covering her other ear with her hand

"I'm here Mum, it's Cris, you can't leave him" replied Taylor

"Taylor we talked about this, I have to go home, you said you understood"

"I know, please Mum give him a chance, he's came to the airport to stop you just.....just listen to what he has to say" begged the young girl

"Cris didn't come to the airport" replied Donna

"Yes he did" came a familiar voice from behind the brunette

Donna spun around to see the face she had fallen in love with all those months ago staring straight at her

"Taylor I.....I'll have to call you back" she stuttered, hanging up the phone she suddenly realised the song that was being played over the speakers.

Nsync's This I promise you blared out, it was the song they had shared their first dance together at the new years eve ball.

As Cristiano looked into her eyes he smiled gently, taking her hand in his she watched as his brown eyes concentrated only on her, she had missed those eyes, missed the way they would look at her like nothing else mattered, like it was only ever the two of them in their own world.

"I can't let you leave without telling you how I feel about you" he began

Donna opened her mouth to speak but Cristiano placed a finger gently against her lips, "Shh, please just let me say this before you say anything" he said softly

The brunette closed her mouth as she suddenly became aware of the crowd that had gathered around them, people stood  holding phones to capture photos of the football star. Donna began to feel uneasy, her stomach twisting at the sea of faces watching her and Cristiano in such an intimate moment. feeling self conscious, Donna looked down at the floor wishing no one could see her.

Placing a soft hand under her chin, Cristiano lifted her face to look directly at him "Before I met you I thought I was happy, I thought I had everything I needed" he began to say, looking into her eyes as his thumb gently caressed her cheek. "I didn't think anything was missing from my life till you came along, you came and changed everything, you changed how I look at life, being with you, things make sense, you're not only the love of my life but my best friend too and I cant lose that, I don't want to live my life without you in it, so....." he stalled, reaching into his pocket as he began to kneel down on one knee.

Donna's heart began to flip as she felt the rush of heat straight to her face, everyone around her gasped. Cristiano took her left hand in his as he looked up to her " Donna, will you make me the happiest man alive and marry me?" he asked, smiling up at her.

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