Chapter 14 - The Apology

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Donna made her way into the boutique with Taylor following behind.

The store was very fancy with white marble floors and counter tops, there were rows and rows of gold bars with sparkly dresses hanging from them.

Donna didn't know where to start, she always wore nice clothes but this was in a different league.

Taylor moved over to a rail of dresses when a store assistant approached the brunette.

"Can I help you" asked the petite red head smiling

"I'm looking for a dress, im attending a ball on new years eve and I have to look my best" she replied looking around "I'm not sure where to start"

"Well that's why I'm here, let's get you into a fitting room and get your measurements" giggled the red head

Donna followed behind the store girl soon finding herself in a huge changing room with mirrors on all four walls and a small circular stage in the centre.

She stripped down to her underwear feeling self concious as the red head wrapped a measuring tape around her.

"I'm Anita" said the store girl as if sensing the PA's discomfort.

"I'm Donna" she replied forcing a smile.

Thirty minutes later the brunette had tried on at least ten dresses, none of them excited her until Anita came in with her arms draped in the most beautiful satin fabric she had ever seen.

Donna quickly slipped into the dress and made her way out of the changing room where Taylor was waiting.

"What do you think?" She asked her daughter

Taylor lifted her head from her phone and gasped "wow mum you look beautiful"

"I think this is the dress" she said smiling to her daughter

"That is so the dress, Cris is gonna die when he sees you in that" she laughed

Donna laughed too, the dress was getting her excited about the ball, although she was still mad at Cristiano for forcing it on her but right now she didn't want to think about that. She just wanted to bask in the gorgeousness of the dress.


Pulling into the driveway Donna noticed the footballer in the garage getting into his white Rolls Royce.

Parking next to him, the brunette got out of the car as Ronaldo pulled down his window.

"I was just about to go out for some lunch, would you join me?" He asked

"No thanks, I've got some stuff to do" she replied not bothering to look at him as she began to walk away

Cristiano got out of his car and ran up behind her "please, I want to explain.....join me"

"Mum go to lunch with Cris, im meeting some friends from college anyway so you'd be alone" Taylor chipped in

Donna sighed "Ok I'll go" she answered handing Taylor the dress bag "be very careful with the dress" she warned

Cristiano smiled "obrigado, is that the dress for the ball" he asked leading the brunette to his car

"That's it" she answered trying hard to stay mad at the portugese although it was very hard when he was being so nice.

The car sped away from the house making its way into town before pulling up outside a small restaurant with an upstairs balcony.

Cris led his PA inside as a tall man in a suit approached them. The footballer spoke to him in Portugese, Donna didn't understand as she was only just learning the language so instead she stood looking awkward.

Looking down at her clothes she was glad she had made an effort today as the restaurant looked pretty fancy.

The brunette was wearing a black and white striped midi skirt with black crop top and matching black ankle cuff sandals.

Pulling her from her thoughts Cristiano grabbed her hand leading her upstairs to the balcony where they were seated.

The waitress ran over immediately pouring the couple some water before handing them menus.

Cris looked at the brunette "I'm sorry for whatever it is I've done to offend you"

Donna looked up at him "you don't know what you've done" she seethed feeling herself get angry

Cristiano looked shocked as he shook his head

"Your trying to buy my daughters affection to get me to sleep with you and then your forcing me to go to a ball with you pretending it's can't just buy me off" she said trying not to raise her voice

The footballer leaned forward grabbing her hand, she tried to pull away but he held on tight.

"I'm so sorry if that's what you think I was doing.....I can promise you I would never use Taylor to get to you, she's a good girl and I just wanted to do something special for her" he explained

"Your sending her to another country, she's only 18......I won't be there to look out for her" replied the brunette

"Exactly she's 18 she's an adult and she's very she will be with a friend, please try not to worry" he said leaning over to brush her hair away from her face.

Donna felt herself calm slightly, she knew he was right she just didn't want to admit it. Damn this guy was good she thought

"I didn't do it to sleep with you.....I was hoping you would do that on your own" he smiled at her

Donna laughed "that won't be happening" she informed him

Cristiano pouted "you sure I can't tempt you" he said starting to lift his shirt

"Stop it" Donna laughed batting his hand away

She looked around to see the other diners watching them. Her face began to redden.

Cris laughed at the brunettes embarrassment

Donna covered her face, the footballer leaned over moving her hands away.

"I'm sorry about the ball" he added "if you don't want to go then I won't force it.....I just thought we're friends and there's no one I'd rather spend new years with"

Looking at him the assistant didn't have the heart to turn him down especially not now she had the dress.

"I'll go with you said we're friends" she replied stroking his hand.

Cristiano looked into her eyes, he loved to stare at them, they mesmerised him. "Thanks" he said squeezing her hand.

The couple enjoyed the rest of the lunch as the footballer questioned her about the dress.

Making their way out to the car the questions kept coming "at least tell me the colour so I can match my bow tie" he laughed

"I'm not telling you and your bow tie will be black no matter what" she quipped

"Your such a tease" he said grabbing her waist to tickle her

Donna wriggled trying to free from his grasp stumbling into him, Cristiano caught her as they came face to face their lips mere inches apart.

The footballer looked at her brushing the hair from her face. They stood still for a moment as their eyes locked
Realising what was happening Donna pulled away as Cris opened the car door allowing her to climb in.

The pair sped away laughing.

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