Chapter 4- The fight

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Chapter 4- The Fight

The earth starts to shake and knocks me off the bench. I land on the cold hard ground, swearing under my breath. "What happened?" I ask Alistair, taking my bow and putting Baby's collar on.

"The fight... It must began. We need to hurry, come on!" he screams and grabs my hand, dragging me after him. With Baby barking and running after us and with all these battle cries I feel like I'm going to get a bad headache. I take my hand from Alistair's and start to run in front of him, towards the bridge. At the middle of it I stop for a second and look down, to see the biggest battle in my life. Darkspawn and people are being killed every second. "DAWN!" I hear Alistair shout and I turn my head towards him. He was almost at the end of the bridge, but that is not why he called my name. I scream as hard as I can when a fireball lands near me and burns my arm. I get up, holding it, and start to run towards Alistair. "Are you okay?"

I straighten my back and let go of my arm, grunting when I see the burn on my shoulder. "I will survive. Let's go, fast." Baby whines and starts to run with us. "I know, boy, but this will be over soon." He barks and runs faster. We all suddenly stop when we see the soldiers battling darkspawn. "Why are darkspawn here?" I ask Alistair, hoping he would know.

"Ask them, not me."

"Look out!" I draw my bow and shoot an arrow into one of the creatures head. "Less talking, more fighting." I put the bow on my back and drag my daggers, launching into battle. I let out a battle cry as I cut off ones head and I stab another one. I draw my bow and pull the string as far as I can, shooting the emissary. I fire another two, finally killing it. Baby is on a darkspawn, biting it's head off and Alistair just pulled his sword from another one. I run towards him, grabbing his arm. "There are no more here. Let's go." We bump into two guys, one from the Circle of Magi and another one a guard.

"You... you're Grey Wardens, aren't you?!" the guard asks. "The tower... it's been taken!"

"What?" I ask.

"What are you talking about, man?" Alistair asks too. "Taken how?"

He turns around and looks at the huge tower. "The darkspawn came up through the lower chambers! They're everywhere!" He looks at us. "Most of our men are dead!"

"Then we have to get to the beacon and light it ourselves!" Alistair says.

"You are right, that beacon needs to be lit." I tell him and start to march forward to the tower. With their help I manage to open the big gates of the tower. Baby starts to growl and the hair on his back went straight up. "Baby!" I whisper, getting his attention. "Hush!" He stops, but is still in an alert mode. "DON'T!" I scream when Alistair ventures forward and steps on a pressure plate. I run towards him and tackle him as a huge fireball hits that spot. I quickly get up and help him, drawing my bow. I shoot at one of the Alphas, which dodges my arrow and starts to march towards me. I take another arrow and pull the string near my mouth, while taking a deep breath and firing it. He dodges it again, but it hit it's shoulder, making him fall down. The mage turn his attention on the Alpha and freezes it. I thank him by bowing my head and shoot another arrow, breaking him in tiny pieces.

We run towards the stairs and get on the second floor. I need to get to a higher point so I can see better when I shoot with the bow. I see some arrangements on the walls that look climbable and I can get on the platform near the ceiling. I start to climb, getting closer to the platform. An arrow is shot near me, making me loose grip. "Alistair! TAKE IT OUT!" If he doesn't, them I'm dead. Another arrow is shot, near my head. I get on the platform, being finally safer. I draw my bow and shoot two darkspawn, before taking the rope and climbing down.

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