Chapter 25- The Landsmeet

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Chapter 25- The Landsmeet

"My lords and ladies of the Landsmeet," I hear Eamon talk as we enter the Landsmeet. We are late, because we didn't sleep last night, only a little bit in the morning. "Teyrn Loghain would have us give up our freedoms, our traditions, out of fear! He placed us on this path, yet we should place out destiny in his hands? Must we sacrifice everything good about our nation to save it?" When a finishes a round of applause begins.

"A fine performance, Eamon, but no one here is taken in by it," Loghain speaks. "You would attempt to put a puppet on the throne and every soul here knows it. The better question is 'Who will pull the strings?'." Loghain laughs when he sees me and Alistair approach. "Ah! And here we have the puppeteer." Baby barks at him, but I put my hand on his head so he stops, still lowly growling. "Tell us, Warden: How will the Orlesians take our nation from us? Will they deign to send their troops, or simply issue their commands through this would-be prince? What did they offer you? How much is the price of Fereldan honor now?"

"The Blight is the threat here, not Orlais!" I shout so everyone can hear me.

"There are enough refugees in my bannorn now to make that abundantly clear," A noblewoman speaks.

"The south has fallen, Loghain! Will you let darkspawn take the whole country for fear of Orlais?" Another nobleman says.

"The Blight is indeed real, Wulff. But do we need Grey Wardens to fight it?" Loghain asks. "They claim that they alone can end the Blight, yet they failed spectacularly against the darkspawn at Ostagar, and they ask to bring with them four legions of chevaliers. And once we open our borders to the Chevaliers, can we really expect them to simply return from whence they came?"

"You sold Fereldan citizens into slavery to fund you war!"

"What's this?" A nobleman asks. "There is no slavery in Ferelden. Explain yourself."

I want to take the documents that prove it, but Loghain starts to talk. "There is no saving the Alienage." I hear a lot of horrified gasps in the crowd. "Damage from the riots has yet to be repaired. There are bodies still rotting in their homes. It is not a place I would send my worst enemy. There is no chance of holding it if the Blight comes here. Despite what you may think, Warden, I have done my duty. Whatever my regrets may be for the elves, I have done what was needed for the good of Ferelden."

"Did you let Howe torture citizens for the good of Ferelden?" I ask him.

He snorts. "Howe was a grown man responsible for his own actions. He will answer to the Maker for his crimes, as must we all." I can hear the crowds in the background mocking Loghain. "But enough of this. I have a question for you, Warden: what have you done with my daughter?"

I laugh. "What have I done? I protected her from you!"

"You took my daughter- our queen- by force, killing her guards in the process. What arts have you employed to keep her? Does she even still live?"

I smile. "I believe she can speak for herself." I tell him and everyone looks at Queen Anora, that just entered the Landsmeet.

"Lords and ladies of Ferelden, hear me!" She speaks. "My father is no longer the man you know. This man is not the hero of River Dane. This man turned his troops aside and refused to protect your king as he fought bravely against the darkspawn. This man seized Cailan's throne before his body was cold and locked me away so I could not reveal his treachery. I would have already been killed, if not for this Grey Warden."

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