Chapter 24- Captured

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Chapter 24- Captured

I lazily open my eyes and realize that I am in a cell. I look down at the shirt that I am in and slowly get up from the floor, going near the door. I think I can open it, if only I had my hair clip. "You're awake! I was starting to worry." I hear Alistair say.

I gasp and turn around, running towards him and hugging him through the bars. "I am so sorry. It is all my fault." I mutter against his chest.

"It's not." He says and starts to play with my hair. "This would've happened even if we would've surrendered."

I shake my head. "No. I should've killed Howe, not tortured him. Then he wouldn't have screamed and everything—"

He stops me from talking with a kiss. I respond and put my hands in his hair. "Don't apologize again."

"Are you all right?" I ask him.

He chuckles. "I've been worse. I'll be better when we get out of here."

"Let's try and get out of here."

"I really hope you have a plan."

I smirk. "I do have a plan. Go in the corner and sit like you're asleep or something like that. Don't interrupt, doesn't matter what you hear."

"Right, that doesn't sound vague at all."

I kiss him. "Trust me." He does as I say and I slowly go to the bars, where a guard is sitting.

"If you're not bleeding, I don't care." He mutters and looks up at me.

I can see him gulp when I drag my shirt down, trying to show some cleavage. I slowly put my hands on the bars and let them slide, while still gripping them. "I was just so lonely..." I mutter and bite my lower lip, making some puppy eyes for the guard. I can see him shift his weight and then smile.

"Well, I could keep you company." He says and gets into the cell.

I put my palms on his shoulders and smile at him. "Why don't you take that off so we can get started?"

He smirks while taking off his armor. "Maker, they put a lot of buckles on this thing." I fake a giggle and when he finishes I start to walk towards him, putting my arms on his bare chest and pushing him onto the door. I give him a sweet smile and put my arms around his neck, in a tender hug. He leans his head on my shoulder, putting his palms on my bare back. I want to pull away and kick him in the nuts, but I have to go all the way. I put my lips near his ear and whisper "You're so dead." His eyes widen, but he has no time to react because I snap his neck.

"Damn, that was awesome," I hear Alistair mutter. "But I didn't like the way he touched you."

I chuckle. "You think I did?" I say and get the keys from him, opening my door and then Alistair's door. I look through the chest that's in this room and smile when I see all of our things. We quickly dress up into our uniforms.

I look up from the chest and let out a painfully loud scream when I see the bloody picture in front of me. "Gil!" I scream as loud as I can and run to his distorted body. His legs are sitting in a strange and not normal position, while his arms are crushed. "No! Gil!" I mutter and put my hands over my mouth to stop the sobs. I feel the bile coming up my throat so I get away from him and puke all over the ground. I feel Alistair holding my hair, while I finish there.

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