Chapter 19- I'm sorry

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Chapter 19- I'm sorry

I gasp when Alistair drags me by the hand in a corner of Denerim. "That's... my sister's house. I'm almost sure of it, this is... yes, this is the right address. She could be inside. Could we... go and see?" He asks me, showing one house.

I tie my brown hair into a ponytail and nod my head at him. "Wouldn't you rather meet her on your own?" I ask him.

"Do I seem a little nervous? I am. I really don't know what to expect. I'd like you to be there with me, if you're willing." He says that in one breath. "Or we could leave, I suppose. We really don't have time to pay a visit, do we? Maybe we should go."

I chuckle. "Let's see if she's home." I say and grab his hand, dragging him to the house.

"Will she even know who I am? Does she even know I exist? My sister. That sounds very strange... siter. Siiiissster." I chuckle again. "Hmmmm. Now I'm babbling. Maybe we should go. Let's go. Let's just... go." I knock on the door and when someone says 'enter', I push it and get into the small house.

"Err... hello?" Alistair awkwardly says.

A petite woman with dirty blonde hair gets out from a room and examines us. "Eh? You have linens to wash? I charge three bits on the bundle, you won't find better. And don't trust what that Natalia woman tells you either, she's foreign and she'll rob you blind."

I elbow Alistair in the ribs, so he would talk. "I'm... not here to have any wash done. My name's Alistair," He says and seeks for my hand. I grab it and hold it tight. "I'm... well, this may sound sort of strange, but are you Goldanna? If so, I suppose I'm your brother."

The woman raises her eyebrows. "My what? I am Goldanna, yes... how do you know my name? What kind of tomfoolery are you folk up to?"

"Maybe you two should be left alone?" I whisper to Alistair.

"No! No, don't go! I... please, stay for now." He says and I can't help but smile and tighten my grip. "Look, our mother, she worked as a servant in Redcliffe Castle a long time ago, before she died. Do you know that? She—"

"You!" She screams. "I knew it! They told me you was dead! They told me the babe was dead along with mother, but I knew they was lying!"

Alistair looks shocked. "They told you I was dead? Who? Who told you that?"

"Them's at the castle! I told them the babe was the king's and they said he was dead. Gave me a coin to shut my mouth and sent me on my way! I knew it!"

"I'm sorry, I... didn't know that. The babe didn't die, I'm him; I'm... your brother."

Goldanna scoffs. "For all the good it does me! You killed Mother, you did, and I've had to scrape by all this time? That coin didn't last long, and when I went back they ran me off!"

"That's hardly Alistair's fault, is it?" I ask her.

Her eyes are now targeting me. "And who in the Maker's name are you? Some mistress to follow him about and carry his riches for him?"

Alistair gets himself in front of me. "Hey! Don't speak to her that way! She's my friend, and a Grey Warden! Just like me!"

"Ooohhh, I see. A prince and a Grey Warden, too. Well, who am I to think poorly of someone so high and mighty compared to me? I don't know you, boy. Your royal father forced himself on my mother and took her away from me, and what do I got to show for it? Nothing. They tricked me good. I should've told everyone! I got five mouths to feed, and unless you can help with that, I got less than no use for you."

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