Chapter 10- On the ship

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Chapter 10- On the ship

I decided to stay outside, on the deck, and get some fresh air.

As I sit on the wooden floor the wind hits my face and makes my hair go crazy. I sigh and hug my knees. "Why did I leave you behind?" I ask myself. "I could've saved you..." I whisper. A hand touches my shoulder and I look up. The tears are blurring my view, but I can tell that in front of me is Alistair.

"Are you okay?" he asks, sitting near me.

I shake my head. "I don't know... I guess I'm tired."

"I feel you." he says and I giggle. Alistair touches my cheeks and wipes the tears away. "You didn't have to do that," I tell him.

He just smiles. "Can I ask you a question?"

"Of course," he tells me.

"What did you mean by dying young?"

"Oh, that's right. We never had time to tell you that part, did we?" I look at him, confused. "Well, in addition to all the other wonderful things about being a Grey Warden, you don't need to worry about dying from old age. You've got thirty years to live. Give or take." I look down at my lap, where Baby is sleeping. "The taint... it's a death sentence. Ultimately your body won't be able to take it. When the time comes, most Grey Wardens go to Orzammar and die in battle rather than... waiting. It's tradition."

I look back at Alistair. "So I'm going to die."

"We're all going to die. When Duncan told me, I was angry. He put his hand on my shoulder and said this: 'It's not how you die that's important. It's how you live.'"

"That's... so I am going to live only until I'm forty?"

"Probably. It depends on your will and body." I nod and examine him closer. He looks so good. His hair is all messy, probably because he just woke up, his eyes are smiling and that shirt looks so good on him.

"Has anyone ever told you how handsome you are?" I ask before I could stop.

He looks at me, dumbfounded. "Not unless they were asking me for a favor. Well, there was that one time in Denerim, but those women were... not like you." I smile. "Why? Is this your way of telling me you think I'm handsome."

I blush and look away. "My lips are sealed."

"Oh, I get it. I'll get it out of you, yet." I try to hide my smile and my rosy cheeks. "So... is this the part where I get to say the same?"

"Not unless you don't think so," I quickly say.

"Oh, I think so. I'll just spring it on you when it's a surprise." He laughs and I giggle a little bit, hitting his shoulder. "I'm wondering something. I'd like to know your thoughts about of our... traveling companions. Do you mind if I ask?"

I chuckle. "Time for juicy gossip, I take it?"

"I've got this nefarious plan to go around to each of them and secretly tell them all the nasty things you said. That way they'll mutiny and I shall become the group leader!" Alistair starts to do and evil laugh.

"If you want to lead, all you have to do is ask."

"What? Lead? Me? No, no, no. No leading. Bad things happen when I lead. We get lost, people die, and the next thing you know I'm stranded somewhere without any pants." I burst into laughing, scaring Baby, that starts to growl. I pet him and he soon falls asleep. "Seriously though, I'm only curious. I've had enough time to form my own opinions and I just want to see if yours are any different."

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