Chapter 2- Howe

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Chapter 2- Howe

"Let's begin the Joining, seneschal." I mutter and look at Oghren, Mhairi and Anders. "Maker help them."

"As you wish, Commander." He says and gets the Joining goblet, filled with darkspawn blood.

I take the goblet from his hands and look at the blood, sighing. "Join us, brothers and sisters. Join us in the shadows where we stand, vigilant. Join us as we carry the duty that cannot be forsworn. And should you perish, know that your sacrifice will not be forgotten and that one day we shall join you." I mutter, saying the words that once were said to me. I hand the goblet to Oghren. "From this moment forth, Oghren, you are a Grey Warden." I hope.

He takes it and looks closely at it. "What's this? The sampler size? Are you trying to say something about my height, eh?"

I chuckle. "It's the same goblet we've always used, Oghren."

"Really? Huh," He mutters and takes a gulp out of the blood. His eyes go white and he belches. "Not bad," He says and I let out a happy sigh.

I take the goblet from his hands and hand it to Anders. "From this moment forth, Anders, you are a Grey Warden," I say the same words.

"So we need to drink darkspawn blood? That's it?"

"That is it, yes," I tell him.

"Well all right, but if I wake up two weeks from now on a ship bound for Rivain in nothing but my smallclothes and a tattoo on my forehead, I'm blaming you." He says and pokes my forehead with his finger. I chuckle and take a step back. Anders puts his lips around the goblet and takes a small sip. I quickly take the goblet out of his hands as his eyes go white. He puts his hands on his head, groaning in pain and then falling on his back. My eyes are wide open and I look at the seneschal.

He crouches near Anders and checks for a pulse. "He lives, Commander, and will awaken in time."

I look at Mhairi and hand her the goblet. "From this moment forth, Mhairi, you are a Grey Warden."

She looks at it, smiling. "I have awaited this moments," She murmurs as she takes a sip out of the goblet and hands it to me. She begins to choke and cough, holding her neck. She won't make it. That's what happened with Daveth too. I look away when her limp body falls on the ground. "I'm sorry, Mhairi." I mutter and put the goblet away. "May the Maker watch over you."

Varel sighs as Anders is being put in a room and Mhairi's corpse is taken away. "Poor Mhairi. Open the doors!" He shouts.

An elderly woman and a young blond man walk into the keep. "The Commander must be informed about the Deep Roads entrance. It could be their base of operation." He shouts at the woman, while walking fast. The poor woman has to run after him.

"You'd have the Wardens chase a rumor, then, Captain?" She asks. "And even if it proves true, unless the Pilgrim's Path is cleared by the time your army assembles they'll have nothing to eat but shoe leather."

"Garevel. Woolsey. Commander has had a long day." Varel warns them. Do I look that scary? "Woolsey says some merchants escaped the darkspawn; they can reprovision you for a reasonable fee. And the Vigil is yours; take whatever weapons and armor you need. We'll be waiting when you're ready."

I nod my head at them. "I think I am going to check on Anders before doing anything else." I mutter and turn around as they all bow. Glancing at the goblet I take it and pour some blood in the small bottle amulets. I throw one at Oghren and he proudly puts it around his neck, while I hold the one around mine.

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