Chapter 23- Save the Queen

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Chapter 23- Save the Queen

My eyes examine every inch of Loghain's body and face. His black hair is tied in a low ponytail and there are deep bags under his eyes. He looks horrible. "Loghain. This is... an honor, that the regent would find time to greet me personally." Eamons says. I look at Loghain's companion.


I search for Alistair's hand, and when I find it I tighten my grip.

"How could I not welcome a man so important as to call every lord in Ferelden away from his estates while a Blight claws at our land?"

"The Blight is why I'm here. With Cailan dead, Ferelden must have a king to lead it against the darkspawn."

"Ferelden has a strong leader: its queen. And I lead her armies." Loghain says.

I scoff. "Considering Ostagar, perhaps we need a better general."

Loghain's eyes are now set on me. "Ah, the Grey Warden recruit. I thought we might meet again. You have my sympathies on what happened to your order. It is unfortunate that they chose to turn against Ferelden."

I have to squeeze Alistair's hand or I will get my daggers and gut this pig. "I have come to reveal your crimes at Ostagar."

"You should curb your tongue. This is my city, and no safe place to speak treason. For anyone. There is talk that your illness left you feeble, Eamon. Some worry that you may no longer be fit to advise Ferelden."

Eamon scoffs. " 'Illness?' Why not call your poison by its true name? Not everyone at the Landsmeet will cast aside their loyalties as easily as you and these... sycophants."

"How long have you been one from court, Eamon! Don't you recognize Rendon Howe, Arl of Amaranthine and Teyrn of Highever?"

I bite my tongue until I feel the metalic taste of blood in my mouth. That snake. I wish I could punch and break that crooked nose of his. "And current arl of Denerim, after Urien's unforntunate fate at Ostagar. Truly, it is an embarrassment of riches."

I bitterly laugh at him and then all his attention is set upon me, as he acknowledges my presence. "Enjoy your moment . It will end soon enough." I tell him.

"You are either very bold or very stupid to threaten the teryn before witnesses." A dark haired woman in armor next to Loghain speaks. My best bet is that she is his personal guard.

"Enough. Cauthrien, this is not the time or place." Loghain tells her. "I had hoped to talk you down from this rash course, Eamon. Our people are frightened. Our king is dead. Our land is under siege. We must be united now, if we are to endure this crisis. Your own sister, Queen Rowan, fought tirelessly to see Ferelden restored. Would you see her work destroyed?" He begins to shout. "You divide our nation and weaken our efforts against the Blight with your selfish ambitions to the throne."

"You're the one who divided Ferelden." I calmly say.

"I was not talking to you."

I roll my eyes. "I cannot forgive what you've done, Loghain. Perhaps the Maker can, but not I. Our people deserve a king of the Theirin bloodline. Alistair will be the one to lead us to victory in this Blight."

I can feel Alistair shift uncomfortably near me. "Oh, is that all I have to do? No pressure..."

"The emperor of Orlais also thought I could not bring him down. Expect no more mercy than I showed him. There is nothing I would not do for my homeland." With that being said he takes his people and leave. I let out a breath that I didn't even know I was holding. I think my face is red from how much anger I have in me.

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