Young Age

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"Catch me Jammi." I squeal running from my best friend.

"You're so fast Lizzy. Slow down." I hear my best friend start to pant. I turn around to see her on her knees trying to catch her breath.

"Jammi. Jammi. Jasmine are you okay?" I run to her and kneel beside her. "Mommy! Mommy!" I call out for my mom.

"Yes, sweetie. Oh my. Get her up here now Elizabeth." I pick up Jasmine and limp to her. Once to the door she picks up Jasmine and runs to the basement. I follow her. She goes into the fridge and pulls out a needle with silver stuff in it. She rips her shirt off and something boils in me.

"Mommy? What are you doing? Stop it, mommy!"

"Sh daughter this will help." She sticks a needle in her bare chest and the silver fluid flowed into her body.

"Call Susan. Tell her, her daughter almost changed." I was confused but I obeyed and grabbed her phone dialing Susan's number repeating what she said to me to her. "Good. Now go upstairs and pack. We're leaving."

"What. Mommy why n-no I'm staying here with Jammi."

"No!" Her eyes changed to a bright blue and then back to her brown eyes. "Get packed. NOW!" I whimpered and run upstairs and started to pack. While packing I hear the door slam. Susan must be here. I start to hear yelling and that confirms it. I finished packing not really having a lot for a seven-year-old. I ran down the stairs to see my mom with her bags.

"Good come on." She forcefully grabs my hand and starts to drag me out the door.

"No Mommy. I didn't say goodbye to Jammi. No Mommy!"

"Elizabeth we need to leave now! Stop acting this way." With that, I shut up and allow her to place me in the car driving off to who knows where. I cried in my baby seat.

"I'll never see her again. Jammi no. Jammi no. Please, Mommy."

She shook her head and continued to drive. I fall asleep to my cries looking out the window before being welcomed by darkness.

"I love you Jammi."

With that, I was swallowed into darkness.

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