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Breathing became increasingly difficult, I couldn't even walk. I was currently laying on my mates and I bed, hooked up to an EKG Machine and I knew it wasn't good how fast everything was beeping.

"Will she be okay?" I slowly look up to see my mate and the doctor talking.

"Her ratings are, let's just say something I've never seen. A normal werewolf heartbeat is sixty beats per minute because we have way more happening than humans. A normal vampire is close to eighty because just like us they have more to contribute to. Yet hers, she's reaching a hundred, shit, and her highest was near two hundred. I don't know what is happening."

"So, that is a no doc?" They look at me as I sit up and start taking out wires that dig into me "I'm fine, just a little adrenaline." The doctor turns her head and whispers something to my mate. I focus a little harder.

"She doesn't need to be fighting in the war like this, I'm scared that she'll lose herself." I roll my eyes and stand.

"Trust me doc, I am fine. Just a little scratched up." I stretch to the left, to the right, touch my toes, and straighten out. After hearing a few cracks and I feel myself loosen up, I smile to my mate and wink. "Let's kick some ass." I step forward only to fall forward.

"Baby!" Cassy catches me and I let out a cough, I wipe my mouth and stagger backward. "Your bleeding." I look around my body and see no visible blood.

"Where? My wounds look pretty patched up." I cough again. "Oh, there." I wipe my hand on my jeans and I smile. "Nothing a little Tylenol can fix-up."

"Now isn't the time to be all charming and funny. Now is the time to worry about your health. We can fight for us, for you, for the pack. Your mother and her army is coming, we should be good right?" I shake my head.

"I'm the Alpha, it is my duty, my responsibility, I need to be out there with the pack." Cassy was fighting it. I saw the strain on her face as multiple emotions flowed through her.

"I can't lose you, WE can't lose you." I raise my hand her cheek and wipe away a tear coming down.

"I won't die, I promise you. You won't lose me, neither will Jasmine." More tears came down, a few hitting my cheeks and falling to my lips. The salty taste was something new to me.

"If I don't go out there now and at least stall for my mother, everyone will die. We will lose everyone." She closed her eyes and bit her bottom lip.

"Fuck! Fine, but you have to promise me you'll come back." I pull her down to my lips.

"I promise." She helps me stand, I look towards the doctor. "I'll be fine, right?" I smirk towards her. She looks confused until I nod my head yes.

"I-I... Yes." I walk out the door with the help of my mate and mayhem plague the hospital.

Wolves in and out of their forms laid in their own blood, horrible wounds, and some missing body parts. I caused this. If I stayed away, none of this would've happened. I blood curdling scream snapped me out of my thoughts.

"Aaron!" I run to my beta, he had a deep gash going down his chest, pus seeping from out of it. "Who the fuck did this to you? Who is treating this man! Where are the doctors!" He grabs my hand and squeezes it tight.

"I told them to treat the others first, our pack comes first. Always." I let out a growl.

"Not over your own health you stubborn wolf." He lets out a strained laugh and smiles towards me. His teeth were covered in blood.

"They need you out there, your mother..." His eyes rolled to the back of his head and I scream.

"Don't fucking die on me now! Your mate would kill us!" I bite down on my wrist and let some blood drip into his mouth.

"What are you doing?"

"Vampires heal faster than wolves if a vampire willing gives their blood up, the person who swallows the blood will heal faster. I just hope it fucking still counts." I lick my wound and see his gash start to heal, slowly, but healing. I let out a breath.

I turn towards Cassy and grab her hand, "Hold on tight." I pull her to my body, seconds later we were outside, the fight was once again in front of the house, to my dismay.

"Fuck." I turn towards Cassy. "Go find Jasmine." She shakes her head.

"No! I won't leave you in this condition!" I kiss her lips.

"Please." She turns hesitantly and shifts, running towards the scent of Jasmine.

I cough again, the red splattered against the pavement of the packhouse. I think long and hard about my other counterpart. I start feeling the bones pop and move to different places. I let out a small whimper, dropping to my knees. I let out a breath and stand, towering over the wolves, hunters, and vampires.

I let out a ground-shaking growl. The battle stops. I growl again, this one menacing, a threat. I try and shift back to my human form, but nothing. I let out a whimper.

"This could all stop!" I know that voice, no forgetting it now.

"All you have to do is come with me, and be mine." I look around, we are losing badly.

"You can stop it all! Just be mine."

My pack littered the floor, some I knew had to be dead. This was family. And I was the curse brought to them. I had to stop it.

I sprint in front of the Queen.

"Bow," I growl. "Bow." I drop to my knees. "Cuff her." I felt chains around my neck, and soon my hands and ankles. "If you try anything, I will slaughter the rest of this pack." She pushes me towards the gates.

"Eleta!" I hear my name and turn around, my destines eyes were locked onto mine. "We can fight, we can win. Your mother isn't far out! We have this!" I shake my head. She drops to her knees. Cassy held her up with her wolf head.

"Please." Her plead was quiet, but I heard her. I turn around and walk out the gates.

"Bring the cars!" Seconds later four black SUVs pull up. "Get in!" I step in, I was too big, so I shifted slowly back to my form, sitting naked behind the driver seat. I try to break my cuffs, but the tightened around my wrist causing me to hiss out in pain. The queen slides into the car, sitting next to me. "Drive!"

I did what I had to do for my pack.

It's over.

A Werewolf's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now