A Full Moon (part two)

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Jasmine Richard and Cassy Conner were sitting out on the clearing. Cassy's friends Jackson and Jesmer were having a quiet discussion far away from the group with Roxanne.

"Do you two know what you are doing?" The twins scoff and wave her off, "I am serious."

"Yes, we do. Our mother is the most powerful witch in this realm, I would say we know exactly what to do. But do you?" Jackson aura was rolling confidence. Roxanne raised an eyebrow at the two.

"And what does that mean?"

"Cassy called her a Lycan, and last time I checked that species is dead." Jesmer listened to his twin but turned around and saw the pack approaching the clearing. Jesmer looked in the sky seeing how long they had.

"Jackson." Jesmer taps his twin making him look up and see the moon rising above where they stood. "We don't have long." Jackson rolled his eyes at his twin and reverted his eyes back to Roxanne.

"Who is her father?"

"Alex Damion Hunter, whose father was, Edward Charles Hunter the first-ever Lycan." The twin's mouth drop, staring at her in awe. "You cannot speak of this." Roxanne checked their surroundings to see if anyone else heard.

"Her grandfather is first-ever original Lycan, and she does not know!" Roxanne hissed in Jackson's face, "You do understand what that means, many will come far and wide to see the last descent of the Lycans. Her power will be enormous!" Roxanne tried to walk away, but Jackson grabbed her wrist, "Your mate, what happened?" Roxanne looked in the sky, the moon full and raised high above them.

"We do not have time for a story child! All you need to know is her father's powers never came to him! It skipped a generation and was given to his sister, who long perished. Her grandfather died in the war, the Lycan bloodline ends and starts with her, so either we save my daughter and her mates, or you get the fuck out of my face." Jackson let go of the vampire's wrist and let out a dry laugh. All he can think about was how fucked they were now. His twin, Jesmer rested his hand on his shoulder giving him a smile.

The twins let out a low groan but nodded towards the vampire, "Let us begin then."

Roxanne walks to the circle engraved by hot stones, "Everyone you are to be quiet until told otherwise. Do not break the circle or many will die. Jasmine Richard and Cassy Conners, please stand."

The mates stand in the circle, Jasmine wearing shorts and a tank top. Cassy wearing tights and a compression shirt. Roxanne steps back, and the twins step up, now painted on them are ancient ruins that no one has seen in hundreds of years.

"Bring the Lycan." Jasmine and Cassy snap their heads towards the entrance of the clearing, Jasmine father was carrying their mate. "Place her in the middle of the two." The alpha obeys and gently places Eleta down.

The moon hovers over the clearing, shining down on the circle making the stones glow a bright purple. The twins start chanting, and Eleta's eyes shoot open, a painful howl leaves her throat. She starts thrashing as the twin's chants get louder. She releases another howl.

"Jasmine, Cassy!" Roxanne calls out to the two, "Do it now!" They pick up their blades and slice their palms open. Blood starts dripping down and then kneel next to Eleta. They both slice Eleta's shoulders.

"I give you me, my blood, and my future." Jasmine presses Eleta's left shoulder down with her sliced palm. Eleta falls back her howl becoming a scream.

"I give you me, my blood, and my future.." Cassy presses Eleta's right shoulder down with her sliced palm. Everything goes silent in the circle.

Outside the twins chant their final words and everything is silent.

"Did it work?!" A packmate is shushed for screaming out, both mates feel as though it didn't.

Jasmine and Cassy looked at each other, tears threatening to fall from their eyes. Jasmine is the first person to doubt it works, "Roxanne... I don't think it worked." Cassy lets out a sob. Everything is quiet except for the two mates' tears.

"Wait!" They stop crying and look down at their mate. "I think she's moving." Roxanne was praying her daughter was strong enough to accept the blood. The twins start chanting again, this time a barrier surrounds the circle. "You'll have to fight her!"

"What!" Jasmine tumbles back as her mate throws her into the barrier, "You never said that!" Cassy's eyes fall upon her mates, her once beautiful hazel eyes were now a golden yellow.

Eleta sits up grabbing Cassy by her throat, "Fight her!" Roxanne's voice rings once again through her ears. Cassy swats her hand from her throat and backflips away from her.

"Jasmine!" Jasmine's eyes turn a dark red as her claws and canines extend. "Fight with me!" Jasmine sees Cassy's eyes turn a bright yellow as her canines and claws extend.

They charge towards their mate. Jasmine shifts and attacks her mate's legs, biting into her calf. Cassy jumps off of Jasmine back and lands a punch on her face. Eleta lets out a nasty growl and pries Jasmine jaws off her calf. She picks the black wolf over her head and tosses her to where Cassy lands.

"The mother is wrong!" Jesmer furiously searches through a big book that Roxanne brought back with her. "She read it wrong! You have to earn the Lycan's respect, you guys have to mark her!" The sound of Jesmer's voice causes Eleta to focus on the outside of the ring. "Hurry!"

Eleta charges towards Jesmer only to collide with the barrier. She starts to punch and punch until the barrier begins to crack.

"Run!" The alpha starts leading his pack out the clearing as the barrier breaks, Eleta lets out a growl that shakes the ground beneath them.

"Jasmine now!" Cassy sinks her canines into Eleta neck and is soon joined by Jasmine. The taste of iron fills their mouth. Everyone running stops and stares as the Lycan drops to her knees. Cassy pulls back and wipes her mouth, Jasmine pulls away and licks her lips.

Eleta drops to her stomach. Jasmine shifts back her clothes ripped and torn. Roxanne runs towards the destined two and engulfed them in a tight hug, "You did it!" The pair looks over Roxanne's shoulder and stare at their unconscious mate.

Roxanne lets them go as Jesmer runs in giving Cassy a big hug, "Who knew that my best friend kicks total ass!" Cassy let out a small laugh and shrugs. Jackson comes and pats her on the back earning a slight cough from Cassy.

"Good job alpha and gamma." Jasmine nods towards him accepting his praise and Cassy just blushes, "Good thing she didn't shift."

"She didn't fucking shift?! She is just that hard to beat without shifting!" Jackson laughs at Cassy giving her a small nod, "Good thing I'll never be on her bad side." Everyone laughs at Cassy, but a small moan makes everyone jump into a defensive stance.

Eleta slowly gets up, every bone-cracking and poping to a new place, "What the fuck is happening?" Jasmine's voice was a mixture of terror and worry.

"She's shifting."

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