A Full Moon (part one)

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To say I was nervous was an understatement. Roxanne has disappeared for three days as she promised, the alpha even sent out scouts to her house. No one knew where she went, but Jasmine and I knew she'd be back. The full moon came in twelve hours, and I wasn't near my mate's side. The alpha promised to watch over her and sent us back to school the day after Roxanne left.

Everyone looked at Jasmine and I like we were crazy. Mostly because we never hung out with each other and what happened in the cafeteria should have been enough to make sure we never spoke again. Yet the health of Elizabeth is what kept us together. We sat at lunch together, walked to class together. Even though I was a junior and she a senior.

It was the morning of the full moon, three days have passed since Elizabeth mother left us. Three days of going to school worried about my mate, and today was no different.

"Cas!" I snap my head up and rub the sleep out of my eyes, "You slept through history, again." I shrug and sling my book bag over my shoulders and walk past Kassandra. "I know your mate is hurting but come the fuck on Cas!" I let out a growl, and she steps back throwing her hands in the air.

"If it were Jack laying basically lifeless in a hospital bed you wouldn't dare leave his side, even if the alpha told you so. So don't 'come on' me." She hugs me and the tears I've been holding in threaten to break.

"Cassy," Kassandra lets me go, and I glance back, seeing Jasmine waving me over.

"I have to go." She nods, and I walk towards Jasmine, "What's up?"

"My dad excused us for the rest of the day, she's back." A little spark ignites in my chest.

"Then what the fuck are we waiting for!" I grab her and start pulling her to the exit and towards her car. We hop in and drive towards the packhouse.

"Cas?" I look towards Jasmine who is staring at the road, her eyes glossed over. "Do you think she'll survive? I mean, I know I told you I think so but do you?"

"I don't know, it's been six whole days without feeling her and hearing her. I know I just met her and I know nothing how you feel considering how long you've known her but, my wolf cries every night knowing that we can't do anything about it. But I just met her, and I am not losing her now. We may not get along but she is ours, and I'd never let one of us lose her like that." She lets out a long sigh.

"Yeah, me neither." We pull up to the packhouse and enter the gates. After a few minutes of staring at the big doors of the packhouse, a weight hits my shoulder. Jasmine pulls my hand into her, warmth spreading from her palm to mine, "Whatever happens, we are in this together." I nod and squeeze her hand. We let go and step out, walking towards the packhouse.

We enter, and we hear arguing coming down one of the main halls. We take off following the voices. We run into some packmates, excusing ourselves until we make it to the conference room.

"No! I will not have that kind of ritual on my territory!"

"Then people will die Xavier! Your daughter! Cassy! You being stubborn may cost innocent lives!"

"Xavier, please." The luna's voice put me in a trance, no one can deny her. "Our daughter, our pack. If doing the ritual will save both we must."

"That ritual brings the devil to the lands!"

"That devil is my daughter! Your daughter and Cassy destined. Stop being an ignorant wolf!" A loud growl bounced off the walls, Jasmine pushes the door open, and the scene before us was wild. The luna was holding the alpha back, and Roxanne was sitting there unbothered by the great alpha Xavier charging towards her.

"Father!" The alpha stopped growling and stared at his daughter, "I don't care what you say and do. She is my mate," She looked back at me, and I took the hint, stepping up. "Our mate. We will do the ritual even if it is against your orders." She laced our fingers together, and I squeezed her hand back.


"No, father." Roxanne looked pleased, the luna looked shocked, and the alpha looked wounded. "We are doing this tonight. I don't care."

"We don't care." Jasmine looked at me and smiled, I returned it. The alpha sighed and wiped his face.

"Fine. What do you need?"

"A clearing, anyone can come as long as they are willing to be quiet. I need a mage or witch, someone powerful. I have everything else we need, my trip was long, but everything we need is in here." She pats her bag and the alpha nods.

"Then let's do this." Jasmine nods, and we walk out hand in hand. "I think I pissed myself." Jasmine lets out a laugh.

"Girls," We turn around, and Roxanne smiles warmly towards us. "You need to change and help me set everything up."

"What is everything?" Roxanne smiles at me.

"The alpha said you have twin mages that are powerful, is that correct?"

"Yes, Jackson and Jesmer."

"We'll need them. Wear clothes you are okay to lose or rip up. And find a way to transport Eleta to the clearing that your father finds." Jasmine nods.

"Will we really be calling her Eleta now?" She nods.

"Yes, her father would have wanted that."

Roxanne gave us a bow and walked towards the main entrance. I start following after her but instead, I go up to the central stairway to the gamma hall. Jasmine leaves me and goes to her alpha quarters on the top floor. I change into my training tights and a compression shirt. I grab my phone and dial the twin's number.

"Cas! Hey!" Both their voices come in unison, and a small smile comes to my lips.

"My pack needs you." I plop on my bed and start thinking about everything that has happened, "My mate is you know... sick. We need mages who can help with the ritual."

"What kind of ritual?"

"My mate is a Lycan. She needs to be rebirthed is what her mother has been saying, and to do that, we need to do this ritual." It goes quiet, and I let out a desperate sigh, "Please, she is my mate."

"Cas, the Lycan race was killed off in the great war. The only way to be of Lycan decent is to have been from the last of the Lycans, and our books show no living bloodline."

"But she is, and I was told anyone can be a Lycan you just have to have a werewolf and vampire fuck." Jesmar laughs.

"Who told you that bullshit! I mean yeah, it's a key factor, because it starts the speeds the process up, but in order to be considered a Lycan you must have been born from the decent of the first-ever Lycan." I let out a sigh.

"Can you please just help me and any questions you have can be answered by her mother. She told me her story, but I honestly believe she left out pieces."

"Fine, but you owe us." I laugh.

"One large batch of cookies coming up, be here by nightfall."

"We'll be there in an hour." We hang up, and I let out a sigh.

"I pray this works."

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