The Great War (part two)

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It was brutal, to say the least, literal blood, sweat, and tears have gone into this. Jasmine was stressing herself out, the witch came back and took the rest of the poison out of her father's system, but he was still in the hospital sick. I was the current acting Alpha.

Cassey has been training along with the other gammas, betas, and deltas. The training was daily, lasted from morning to night. I was in charge of teaching everyone how to properly kill a vampire, how to make it quick so no one got hurt.

Currently, I laid in my bed, listening to Jasmine trying to ask her allies for help, so far we got the east to hold those who couldn't fight, the pack to the north of us said they would send their spare gammas, while the pack to the west wouldn't even assist. Jasmine was stressing, to say the least.

"Alpha Kenneth, I understand that you don't want war on your hands, but you are the biggest pack in on this side of the... Yes, of course, I understand... Just because we have a fucking Lycan doesn't mean we are good! Fine! Keep that same perspective, when you need us... Fuck you, man!" She threw the on to the phone and let out a good scream.

"Baby come here." She crawled onto the bed and under my arms, "Fuck him, baby, we have this." She let out a sigh and a single tear came down, I wiped it away.

"It's been hard, I don't know how my father does this." Her voice breaks midway and my heart breaks along with it. "I understand Alpha Kenneth doesn't want to kill his pack off, but werewolves are always supposed to have each other backs."

"I know I'm new to this whole werewolf thing, but even vampires hold each other down, so he has no reason to be a dickhead about it." She rolls over and I wrap my arm around her waist.

"How is your mother?" I let out a sigh myself.

"She's been recruiting all the shifters and unaligned vampires she's been able to find, my aunt Aurora said she'll fight next to my side no matter what side I am on, so." She nods her head. "She told me more about my father."

Jasmine rolls over and places her hand onto my face. "And?" I sit up and she straddles me.

"Well it wasn't just about my father, it was about her life in general. She told me when she found her first destined, it was like a spark that she never knew she could have ignited within her. When he died she didn't know what to do with herself, she blamed herself, that if she could've fought harder and faster that everything would be different."

Jasmine shifted on me and laid her head on my lap, I started to stroke her hair.

"Then she told me of Roman, he was handsome and sweet, her first one cold and devious, he craved war. While Roman would set up dinners and picnics for them every week. He would describe his life as a shifter and she felt so sorry for him because after the war they were marked as traitors to the kingdom. During the great war, they would steal from the wealthy and carry out missions for the enemy. I never knew that. Shit, I didn't even know about the vampire kingdoms, that vampires are in charge of all things supernatural. My mother kept so much away from me, it hurts."

I choke back my tears and continue.

"But, uh when Roman clan found out they brutally executed him, they ripped out his throat, hung him up, and then ripped his limbs apart. All in front of my mother. They tried to kill her too, but she ran. Then she met my father, she was scared to love him, because she saw how all her other destined ended up, but she couldn't help but fall in love with him."


"He had charm, looks, and he was strong enough to stand his ground, him being an Alpha and all. Yet since he was rogue he couldn't protect and serve my mother as he wanted too. When I declared a girl, he got mad. My mother and him fought, but he died. She ran. She told me when I was born she finally knew what the curse was, that I wouldn't be normal like most girls. She still loved me. Yet she didn't know that I was going to be the way I am today until I turned sixteen."

Jasmine sat up for this one. "Your mother told me everything you are telling me." I shook my head, "What?"

"When I turned sixteen, I blacked out. I thought at the time I just passed out because I didn't have blood that whole week, I just wasn't craving it. Yet my mom told me that I still moved around, talked, I just didn't remember any of it. She said I was breaking things, growling, snapping my jaw at her. She called her brother and he told her to bring me to him. My mother and my uncle were never close, shit I only thought I had aunt until my mother told recently the kingdom said they will lend us their soldiers and swords."

"Really?!" Jasmine punched me in my arm and I fake pain, "When were you going to tell me this?"

"I forgot! Sheesh, women, that wasn't necessary." She rolls her eyes at me and I smack her arm back. "Anyways, when we got there my mother had my uncle run test on me, powerful witches all-around came to see what was happening to me, and it turns out the curse was deeper than just my extra member. The curse was that I would lose myself to my inner beast one day, that my father bloodline was going to end with me, that I wouldn't be any hybrid I would be the last Lycan. That is when my mother knew that one day I would change. So when she found out a destine might be the cause of that she tried to tear us apart, she moved us closer to the kingdom without me knowing. She would study the ways to stop it, and that's why she knew so much when I shifted."

Jasmine was quiet, I was scared this information would push her away. Then I'll have to Cassey this too.

"What is it, baby?" She turned fully towards me and I cocked my head to the side.

"Your mother told us something, and I didn't believe her, but..."

"Tell me." She let out a sigh.

"She said you will never be able to love, and I didn't believe her because how can mates not love each other, but the curse, if it can ruin your bloodline and cause you to have your member then maybe, you really don't love me." I go silent.

"But, I do love you. I love Cassey too."

"I love you too, but what else could your mother mean by you wouldn't be able to love." I want to reach out and grab her, pull her into me, and never let her go. I want to reassure her and let her know that I will forever love her, even in my death.

"Alpha! Luna!" The door burst open and a gamma stood there, out of breath, blood dripping from his close eye. "They're here, they started to fight us, and I think the war came early!"

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