Two Destined

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"Elizabeth." My name came out barely above a whisper but I still heard it, and I heard my heartbreak with it too.

"Roxanne Hunter's kid? Impossible." I stood tall as the Alpha recognized me.

"Yes, standing here and in the flesh. Now, about my destined. Let her go." The Alpha pulls her closer and shakes her head.

"Of course, when she came home crying and she said it was from her mate, I thought it couldn't be. But of course, you just had to come back." I growl. "After your mother left we had a suitable mate for her, but no. She wanted you, and now look what you did to her. You have crushed my daughter's heart."

"I did not mean to." He laughs.

"So, because it was an accident I'm just supposed to let you near her again? No." I walk up the stairs as people parted away for me.

"I will be getting her back, she is mine." Yet, I am stopped by this guy. What's his name again?

"Aaron!" There it was, "Move before something happens to you!" A woman who looked just like Aaron but with feminine qualities spoke up.

"No, no one will harm the alpha and my future alpha without going through me first." His eyes turned from green to yellow. His canines extended and so did his nails.

"And who are you?" He smirks.

"The proud future beta of this here pack, and you are threatening my Alpha and the one I am to be with," I growl. He smiles.

"The one you are to be with?" I look towards Jasmine and she hides her face. "You're the one she was supposed to end up with if I didn't come back?" He nods. "Well, I'm glad I did. She deserves better." He growls.

He launches off the top stairs and swings at me, I dodge it catching his wrist. "Too slow, beta." I toss him to the side hearing a heavy thump as he falls down the stairs. I continue my walk to my destined until a wolf pounces at me. I jump back landing on the floor with ease. The wolf trips a little before running down the stairs towards me.

The little wolf and some others surround me.

"Move, before I break you guys furry little necks." They growled and snap at me and I hiss right back. "Fine, have it your way."

The first wolf charged at me, mouth opened showing its sharp teeth. I slam my fist into its snout earning a loud whine from it. I pick it up as it hits the ground and toss it towards two smaller wolves. Three for the price of one.

One of the smaller wolves brush it off, charging right at me I move slightly to the left but it sees my move and attaches its teeth into my hip. I bite down a growl and elbow the small wolf knocking it out.

Two wolves came next circling me. "Elizabeth stop! This is my pack! My family." I look up to see a fuming alpha and my destined eyes trained on me. "Please, just stop." I drop to my knees and bow my head to her, showing my palms as a sign of submission.

"Lock her in the cell room!" Three men came up to me grabbing me roughly and shackle my wrist together.

"No!" Before I could be moved I hear the voice of my second destined. "I passed out at school from an incident. She treated me and brought me home. She means no harm." Cassy's voice stops the men in his tracks, "She's my mate."

A loud growl echoes through the silent room, and I know who it belongs to. "She's mine!" Jasmine starts coming down the stairs, a new form of anger following her trail. "You filthy gamma! First at lunch and now this! She is my mate!" She charges at Cassy. Cassy gets into her stance ready to take her future Alpha on.

The men that were holding me let go and I take the opportunity. I run towards my two destined standing in the way of Cassy, taking the full impact of Jasmine's charge. I slide back a little but stand tall as she punches me here and there.

Cassy growls and charges at us and I let out a big breath. Seriously fuck this whole two destined thing. I break my restraints easily, I catch Cassy and hold Jasmine back.

"Stop!" They both stop and stare at me, "You two are both my destined or that mate shit you call it! And if this is to work we need to get along and share!"

Cassy unwraps herself from my arm and dusts herself off. "Okay."

"Really that easy?" She shrugs and nods.  I thank Cassy under my breath. 

"I don't share." I glare at Jasmie, but soft my face. I approach her and she backs away. "I'm not as easy as her Elizabeth."

"I understand, and I understand this is confusing. Yet, it is what I was told. What I know to be true now. I'm sorry, but I am both yours." She growls and looks past me, I follow her gaze to Cassy, who was now standing there. "Please." I look back at her. She stares. Dropping her stance she shrugs.

"Okay." Jasmine hesitates for a while and drops her head. I smile. "But still, I do not like this." I let out a breath I've been holding in for a while.

"Good, now if you don't mind." I try to walk but I fail, my legs go weak and I fall to my knees. I look down to see bite marks not healing near my hip, "Well shit." I start to fall forward but I am caught by my two destined. My head was in Cassy's lap as my wound was being treated by Jasmine.

Their mouths were moving, people were running around now. But all I heard was a deafening ringing sound. I try to reach out and wipe the tears that were falling from Cassy's face but my arm wouldn't move.

Dark spots started to cloud my vision and soon everything was dark.

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