A Story

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The beeping of the machine was slowly driving me insane. I switch uncomfortably in the hospital chair. A loud moan makes my eyes shoot open and watch her bed, it didn't come from her. I look around the room and see the gamma stretching, I lower myself back into my chair. The excitement I once had disappearing. I glare at her, and she covers her mouth. I roll my eyes and stand, walking to the bathroom.

I lock the door behind me and hover over the sink. The bags on my eyes dark, my hair a mess, and my clothes wrinkled. I looked a mess, to say the least. I run the water and splash some on my face hoping that would wake me up. It's been two days since the accident, and Elizbeth hasn't woken or showed any signs of movement. I let out a deep sigh and walked back out. Cassy and I have been here since that night, waiting for her to wake up. The doctors say that it is because of her blood, that something is preventing her from waking up.

"Anything?" Cassy shakes her head 'no' and grabs our mates hand.

"Her breathing is even, and her pulse seems fine, I don't know why she won't wake up."

I sit back in my chair and grab her other hand. This is how it has been for the past three days. Neither of us leaving the room, only holding our mate's hand hoping she'll pull through.

The door burst open, and an omega flies to the ground. He stands immediately and runs back into the hallway.

"Protect her!" Cassy nods at me, and I take off into the hallway. Aaron and training gammas guard our hallway, "What is happening?"

"Your 'mate' mother came in destroying everything, we're trying to fight back!"

"Who gave that order!" He swallows loudly, and I growl at him, "You may be my beta, but I won't hesitate to show you who is alpha!" I let out a menacing growl, and he drops to his knees. I march through the chaos and see Roxanne throwing one of my omegas against a wall.

"Where is my kid?!" A gamma runs towards her, and she grabs her by the throat. Throwing her into the omega, she already threw.

"Roxanne!" Her eyes snap to me, darker than the abyss. "I'm sorry for my packs insolence, Elizabeth is this way." Her eyes return to her hazel color, and she steps over the wolves she injured. "Someone get a pack doctor in here!"

She follows me in a comfortable silence until we reach Elizabeth's room, "Here we are." She nods and steps towards the door, but I held her arm back, "She hasn't woken up since the fight, so if you can help?" She nods her head and walks through.

"If you don't mind me asking where have you been? I sent a carrier the day of the fight to tell you what happened, why are you coming just now?"

"I've been busy, I had to acquire something." I nod.

Cassy stands and growls, but I hold my hand up, "Cassy this is Roxanne Hunter, Elizabeth's mom." She stops growling and bows her head.

"I apologize, just all the fighting I heard I wasn't too sure."

"No need, I know how destines are." She walks towards the bed and places her hand over Elizabeths, "Oh, Eleta." Cassy looks at me confused, and I shrug, confused as well.

"I'm sorry but, Eleta?" She turns around and gives me a quick smile.

"The name her father gave her before she was born, once he perished I renamed her. Not being able to bear the reminder."

"Then why call her it now?" Cassy's words left her mouth the second I thought of it.

"Because it is time you all knew, even her." She glances back at Elizabeth, taking my seat. "You two are her destined, and it is time everyone knew about who she really is." Cassy sat down and stared hard at Roxanne, I took a seat in the farthest chair, giving her my attention.

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