Rare Item

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"What do you mean, she wants me?" She scoffed, lifting her head a little bit.

"You don't know huh?" I shake my head, "How is it that everyone knows about you, but you." She lifts her head up all the way and gives me a shaky smile. "You are something everyone wants. Your mother is hiding something from you, and everyone knows the truth, and everyone wants you."

"Could you be more cliché villain! Just speak normally!" I felt a tap on my shoulder and turn around, "Yes, Aaron?"

"Jasmine wants to see you." I nod and turn towards Erica.

"We aren't done here." We walk out the cell room, Aaron leads me down some halls I've never seen before and then down some stairs. "Uh, where are we going?"

"The meeting room." He pushes open some metal door and a giant room with an even bigger table sat in the middle. Monitors were surrounding the room and computers. It was basically a scene from a movie.

"Babe!" I stop my awe stare and see my destined running up to me, she jumps into my arms and starts kissing me everywhere. "Ugh, I missed you. Being in the hospital with my father was draining."

"How is your father?" She jumps down and pulls me to the table.

"He's pushing through. The witch was able to pull out most of the poison, but some are still in his system. He kept talking about his death, and me taking over the pack, and you and Cas leading with me."

"I'm sorry." She shrugs.

"I always knew it was gonna happen. He should be fine, the witch said she'll be back within a week with more." I nod and she clicks something and the monitors go black. "Now for the real reason, I gathered us here."

I finally notice other people were here. This was an official meeting, and my destined was leading it.

"We had a rogue attack, we lost eight wolves. May the goddess have their souls." The group bows their heads, "Yet it isn't enough to stop us. We must train harder, our patrols must be better, and we need to start developing our strengths and forgetting that we have a weakness." The people nod.

"After interrogations, we found out that what they want." Aaron stands and clicks his clicker, the monitors flash to a picture of me.

How the fuck did they get that?! Hey, I look nice at least.

"They want Eleta, and we won't let them get her." Phew. "The hunters were working with someone called the Queen, I made some deltas dig into her." Aaron clicks to another screen, a beautiful vampire was on the monitors now. "This is her. Her real name is Kayli, she is a collector. She collects rare species, rare items, anything rare."

"And she wants Eleta because she is the last known Lycan." I look at my destined and her eyes were bright. "She won't get here because we, as her new pack will protect her." A person's hand shoots up. "Yes delta leader, Ben."

"I understand why we must, she is our Luna, but what about the wellness of the pack. I know me and gamma leader, Malcolm have been questioning if losing numbers is fit."

"We understand where you are coming from, but she is not the luna, I will be and so will Cas. My father and I were speaking, and we agreed that since the pack gets their strength from their alpha, their alpha should be someone stronger than a regular alpha."

"Wait what, when was I gonna learn this? Jas, being alpha is your thing." She shakes her head.

"My 'thing' is to take care of the pack, and as luna, with Cas, I can do just that. Trust me, we need you as alpha."

I look around the table, all eyes were on me. Me, alpha? Could I even be a leader figure to people I don't know? Would I be able to make decisions that would benefit others? I couldn't.

"Babe." I look up at Jas and take off. I needed air.

I burst through the metal doors, running up the stairs, going down the halls, and running out the front door. I close my eyes and take a deep breath.


"Well, hello there." I open my eyes and Queen stood in front of me. "My beautiful destined."

"Why are you here? On my territory, I thought all vampires understood don't cross someone else's line."

"Little Lycan, the only vampire to get outside education, the one with immortality, the one with the perfect bloodline."

"Perfect bloodline? What are you talking about?"

"Come with me, my destined and you will see." I let out a growl.

"I'm not yours, nor will I ever be." She bares her fangs at me and I show mine back. "I'm not scared of you."

"Of course you aren't, but you should be."

In seconds she was in front of me, she grabs my throat lifting me up. I swipe at her face, but she throws me before I can make contact. I get onto my feet and let out a menacing growl. I charge at her swinging my claws at her, but she dodges every swing. She catches my left hand, bending my wrist back with a nasty snap.

"Fuck." I hiss out in pain and slap her, she stumbles back. I snap my wrist back in place.

"I wish we had more time, but for now." She's back in front of me, she twists my head to the left and sinks her fangs into my neck. I cry out in pain as I feel my blood being drained from me. She detaches herself and throws me onto the deck of the house.

My eyes get heavy and figures appear in front of me.

"Eleta, fuck someone gets the pack doctor." I feel my cheeks being slapped but soon they go numb. "Come on."

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