Pack Rules

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After asking for directions for the last time I pull up to the packhouse, it was huge, to say the least. It sat on top of a slight hill, gates covering the surrounding area. I park the car where the dirt road meets the real road. I get out, run to the passenger side, and grab Cassy.

I hold her close to me as I walk up the hill towards the gates. I admire the gold, silver, and black symbol they had on their gates. It was beautiful. A wolf and its pack running towards the moon. There must be a history behind it.

I go push the gates open only for them not to budge.

"What?" I look towards the right and see a small building with a man inside. "Can you open the gates? I have to deliver someone home." A light shines on me, I smile towards the man.

"Who are you?!"

"I am an associate of Jack, Kassandra, Ashley, and Freddie. I don't know if you'd consider this one as my associate too. I mean she is and is the reason I am here... To return her."

"What is your name?" He comes closer, the light shining brighter. I blink hard.

"Can you cut the light, you're killing my eyes?" He brings it down. "Thank you."

"Your name now?" I nod.

Elizabeth Hunter, child of Roxanne Hunter. Listen I mean no harm-"

His radio was up in his hands in seconds.

"Please, sir. This is just a big misunderstanding. I am just dropping my friend off."

"The Hunters are vampires, your kind is no longer welcomed here." He looks at Cassy and shakes his head. "You must have some pretty big balls walking in here, especially with an unconscious junior gamma."

"I am a friend." The words came out harsher than I expected. "Just let me help her." A groan leaves Cassy's mouth. "Please."

Static is blared from his radio but goes silent the second he holds a button-down, "Delta 2 this is Gamma 3, we have a code red! I repeat a code red. A vampire is at our front gates! Holding an unconscious junior gamma! I repeat a code red."

"That's very specific..." Howls echo through the woods that surround us, fear runs through me, "You little!" He drops his radio and takes off into the woods where the howls are coming from. I let out a low growl and place Cassy on the ground.

I run into the guard station searching for that big red push 'me button'. Dozens of random colored bottoms decorated the board, but nothing red that said open. "Is this shit for decoration?! Does it not have any use?!" I slam my fist into the panel and it starts to smoke. "Ugh."

I run outside hearing the howls getting closer, I start lightly tapping on Cassy.

"Wake up. I need your help." She starts to roll around and I tap harder.

"Dammit Kass! Give me a couple more minutes!"

"I'm not Kass and I need you now!" Her eyes shoot open and I give her a crooked smile, "Good morning to you too sleeping beauty, now help me."

"Why are we here? No, wait. Why are you here?! The last thing I remember is you punching the wall!"

"I'll catch you up later, how the hell do you open the gates?!" She walks into the guard station and flicks a leaver on the side. "Are you fucking kidding me?!"

She shrugs and I let out another groan. The howls were right behind us now, so close that I could hear their paws hitting the ground. I grab her hand and run past the gates and towards the packhouse. 

"Elizabeth! Just go home. You are already causing so much trouble just being here. You got me here, somehow so just go."

"I need you indoors, safe." I pull her to me and wrap my arms around her, "Even though I don't understand it, you are mine." I pull us apart and start running towards the doors, using the one hand that isn't holding her hand to push it open.

And of course. Basically, everyone in the pack decided to be in the main hall the exact time we arrive. Call it a coincidence, I call it horrible luck.

All movements are halted. All kids are put behind their mothers and fathers. The doors behind us close loudly.

"Well of course! The little junior gamma on the radio is no one else other then Cassy Conners." Cassy lowers her head and gets onto one knee as a guy emerges from the crowd. A powerful aura surrounding him.

"Future Beta Aaron, I didn't intend for any of this to happen."

"Then what did you intend to happen by bringing a Hunter into our territory?! Do you think our Alpha would be proud?! To see this? To hear about this?" She stays silent, tears slowly falling from her face. "Just wait until Alpha Richard hears about this."

The growl escapes my lips before I can even register it. Everyone head snaps to me.

"Don't talk to her like that." He lets out a dry laugh.

"Or what? It's a pack against one little bloodsucker. What do you think you can do that'll stop me from talking down to this failure of a gamma?"

My claws and fangs extend and my eyes start to burn. Anger consumes me. He starts to shake but tries to brush it off. "Kneel." He looks confused but everyone around us slowly starts to kneel. He tries to go against my word but his body fights against him. He slowly falls to the ground.

"And who are you to come into my home and command my pack like that?" His voice was rough and laced with the power that he held.

I slowly tilt my head to the top of the stairwell to see who I assume is the Alpha, standing tall and proud but next to him stood someone who looked like could break any moment.

Her brown eyes were red and puffy. Her nose was tinted pink. Her stance held power but not the strength to hold it up. The Alphas arm was wrapped tight around her shoulder like that was the only thing keeping her up. When our eyes met I felt like I'd collapse any second.


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