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I was standing in the middle of the arena; three deltas circled me like I was their prey. I let out a growl and the first one charged at me; I countered the wolf move easily by grabbing his throat and flinging him back to his starting pace. The two other wolves looked taken back by this and charged at me at the same. One grasped my ankle in its jaw; the other one managed to sneak up behind me and pounce on my back, making me drop to my knees. Both wolves back up, and I let out a breath.

This shit is hard.

"Use your new abilities! Be one with your wolf!" My destined voice echoes in my head, pushing me to try harder.

The wolf charges at me again and I let out a growl charging at it too. I use my knee connecting with its jaw, as it hits the floor I kick it to the far edge of the arena. The other wolf finally shifts and circles me, I take in its stance The wolf jumps towards me and I jump to the side just as it gets close enough and land on its back. I wrap my arms around its throat and swing back, planting my feet firmly on the ground and tossing the wolf behind me.

The other wolf from the beginning is now shifted, he shakes his pelt drops his eyes and lower his ears. I growl, "Don't fucking submit! Fight me!" I charge at it with inhuman speed and grab it by its throat, it whimpers and shifts back to its human form. The male starts clawing at my hands. I throw him to the side see his body bounces on the arena ground.

"Who wants more!" I look around the arena, and all the warriors that were sparring now looking at me, some getting in a stance others backing away. "Anybody!" Cassy runs up to me and grasps my hand in hers, sparks run up and down my skin.

"Calm down, please." I look into her eyes, her dark brown ones meeting my hybrid ones. I let out a breath, relaxing into her touch. "Good mate."

"I'm not a dog, Cas." She lets out a laugh and wraps her arms around my waist. My 6-foot height towering her 5'3 height.

"But you are mine, my little hybrid."

"I am taller than you, my little wolf." She let out a warm breath into my stomach.

"Touché, but come with me." She dragged me off the arena, and I gave everyone an apologetic smile. Learning how to control this going to be way harder than I thought.

"Where are we going?" I stopped thinking and focused on seeing where she was dragging me, we were in the pack house now but going to an eery hallway. "If you wanted me alone," I stopped walking and pulled her into my chest, tilting her head up so that our eye met. "You could've just asked."

I gave her a wink and saw her eyes dart to my lips. I pressed my lips onto hers, feeling them mold perfectly to mine. She kissed back with passion and lust, my hands slid from her waist to her firm backside and gave it a gentle squeeze. She let out a soft moan into my mouth. I picked her up, and she wrapped her legs around me, I pushed her against the wall and started to grind slowly into her. Her breathing grew, and her moans began to increase. She placed her head where she left her mark and took a deep breath in.

"It should only be right that I get to mark you too." I felt my canines extended, I was starting to get used to it now that it has been a few days since my first shifting; but it still stung like a bitch. It was nothing like how vampires teeth extended. I heard her breath hitch as I traced her soft skin with my canines, I sunk the tip of my canines into her, feeling her blood fill my mouth. I moaned at her taste, goddess she tasted wonderful.

A hand grabbed my shoulder and pulling me away, earning a growl from me. I was thrown into the wall behind me as I heard my destined butt hit the ground.

A Werewolf's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now