Explanations From Mother

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"Why are you calling me?" I hear shuffling and then something slams in the background.

"I need you to stop whatever you are doing and come get me, now." He laughs. "I'm serious."

"No, your mother would kill me. Fire me! Disown me!" I roll my eyes as I stroll towards the front door.

"You aren't even my real uncle! How will she disown her best friend!" He goes silent. "Exactly, seriously I am in an emergency and I need to get home. Now." I hear him sigh.

"Fine, I'll be there in five." The call ends and I exit the building.

I place her underneath and tree and stare. The twins must be lying, I can't have two... what do they call it? Mats? No, no. Uh, mates. Yeah. It's impossible.

I let out a scream, catching the attention of some of the students who were in their cars coming back from lunch. I plop down next to Cassy.

"Why? Why me?" I stare at the redhead taking her in. She was beautiful. Her full lips, her oval face, how small she was compared to me. Seriously, this girl was a toothpick. Her hair shined even brighter when the sun would hit. And goddess, do I miss those vibrant brown eyes of hers. I swear they were gold.

I hear a honk and look up, Jeff. I pick the limp redhead up and put her into the backseat with me.

"No, no, no! This is called kidnapping!" I shush him up. "No! I will not go to jail because of you!" I growl at him.

"Drive you damn fool! No one is kidnapping anyone!" He mumbles something under his breath and starts to drive towards my house.

A few minutes later we pull up and I thank him. I lift Cassy over my shoulder and walk into the house, I struggle up the stairs and barely make it to my room. With the last of my strength, I place her onto my bed. I slide down onto the floor and groan.

"As small as she is, she sure does weigh more than I expected." I look towards her sleeping frame. "How can she still be out after all that has happened! It makes zero sense!" I groan and slam my fist onto my floor. 

I take a deep breath in trying to calm myself down, she still smells of chocolate and coffee. I hear a door slam and I jump.

"Elizabeth Leila Hunter, why in the hell did Jeff call me from work?"Damn you, Jeff! "And why the fuck do I smell a wolf inside my house!" I hear her coming up the stairs and I stand, she comes in and I give her a sheepish smile.

"Ma, I met my destined today..." She stopped in her tracks.

"Is this her? Because I swear if you-"

"No, ma! This isn't her I think... I'm destined to Jasmine. Sparks, hunger, etc. It was all there when we talked. Hell, even she knew." She let out a sigh and sat in the chair near the sofa.

"I knew she was your destined the second she and you met. I've hated those wolves for so long after they tore your father away from us. So, when you came home telling me you made a new friend and it was her. Baby, I did everything in me to keep you away from her and her pack. But, that day, when she transformed-" She takes in a deep breath. "It was so early for a wolf to change, I just knew it had to be because the bond between you two was getting stronger, I just had to take you away."

"So you knew and decided to move so I wouldn't be with my destined! How could you?!"

"I couldn't bear it anymore! That's why we came back. I'm sorry Elizabeth, I just wanted to keep you away from what I couldn't keep your father away from."

Cassy started to shift on my bed and I let out a sigh.

"This girl is a... friend. When Jas and I found each other today at lunch this girl kissed me right after. Claiming her wolf took over and said 'mine.' But the weirdest part is I was able to smell her scent. Not her kind, but her scent. Yet it is impossible. I am only meant to smell my destined like that, but the signs were with her too. The kiss had me on fire, I craved her. But that can't be, I only have one destined and that is Jasmine." 

"You have two destined sweetie, and maybe more. We can be destined for many. And now Cassy, she's soul number two. Her wolf felt it but she must have taken it as her wolf trying to be friendly. Her trying to reject your connection made her wolf come out."

"What do you mean souls? Like I can have more than just the two already?

"Yes, but baby..."

I let out a sigh and look down at my other destined. "Why me?"

I look at my mother and she drops her head, "I had three destined. The first was a pureblood vampire and we lasted for hundreds of years, yet he died in battle against the wilted. The second was a shapeshifter, and he came years after my first. His clan wouldn't accept our love so they killed him and proceed to try and kill me. While I was on the run I found the last one, your father. He was a werewolf, a rogue to be correct. He was a proud Alpha rejected from his pack because he was mateless. When he found me he praised the Goddess for her gift and wanted to marry right away. I made him wait, but years later... I was pregnant with you. We were so happy or so I thought. He wanted a boy, so he can start a new pack. When he saw he didn't get an Alpha boy he tried to reclaim his old pack back. He came in declaring himself as rightful Alpha, that he was with me and he demanded that his Luna should have a pack to lead. They beat him to death, for coming home with a Vampire. I fought as many as I could but he told me to run and protect you."

No words formed in my mouth, no other feelings other than betrayal came to mind.

"All three destined dead. And I a mutt and vampire. A half breed. Garbage."

"No!" My mother dropped onto her knees in front of me, her hands on my knees. "A hybrid! A powerful one, from powerful parents! With two lovely destined girls. You can be better than me Elizabeth."

"My father is a mutt. You always said he was a strong warrior. I bet he killed off our kind before he met you."

"Don't talk about Alex that way! He cared! He would've been so proud to see you all grown up like this."

"A proud mutt!" My neck snap to the left and a tear rolled down my face.

"You will not disrespect my destined name nor your father's name."

I lean down, picking Cassy up. She cuddles towards my chest making my heart beat a little bit faster. "I'm going to take her to the packhouse. I'll be home before dinner." I brush past her and head towards the garage.

"Elizabeth. You can't-"

"Tell Jeff I won't need his help, I'll drive whether you trust me or not. I will be home later." I place Cassy into the passenger seat and then head towards the driver seat sliding in.

I turn the keys starting the car, only to look at Cassy. All this time I've been destined to have two. I could've hurt her earlier, and goddess Jasmine. I hope she'll understand. I hope they both understand.

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