Rogues (part two)

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I hear their footsteps coming after me, random call outs are shouted about where I am. I hurry up and perch on the nearest tree trying to camouflage myself. There were at least fifteen of them, their scents flooded my nose as the ran past the tree.

I dropped down swiftly and crouched behind some bushes, bear crawling my way to them.

"Where did she go? She couldn't have gotten far!" I hear hunters screaming and stop.

"We don't know, she was fast." I hear a gun go off.

"Was she faster than that bullet? No, exactly so fucking find her before another one of you end up dead, and not by her hands. Fast too, the boss doesn't like to wait."

I hear footsteps retreat farther into the woods and I stand, a dead hunter was on the ground. I hear footsteps approaching again so I drop to the ground.

"Elijah thinks he's hot shit, just because he's the future leader. I say we kill him ourselves and tell the boss the mutt did it. He's too fucking stupid to know the difference."

"Why would we do that?"

"Why? Because he's killing us more than the damn mutts! He's not even taking orders from the boss he's talking to that bitch!"

I peak over the bushes and see three hunters, I got to act fast. I throw a rock to the left of me that catches their attention. I drop to the ground and get ready to fight.

"Listen, she is close." They walk past me and I grab one of their ankles pulling them into the bushes. I snap their neck.

"Lucas!" Bullets start flying and I jump to my right dodging them. I run headfirst into one knocking them out and then grab the other one by its throat. "Please, please I don't want to die! I'll help you. I want them dead just as much as you."

"I'm listening."

"I can get them to kill themselves. Elijah is so paranoid he'll even do it himself. Just spare me." I drop him, I didn't trust him but it'll make hunting them easier.

"Fine, call them here." I jump into the tree. I watch him check his hunter friend and then grab a walkie talkie.

"Shit! Help!" He fires shots at nothing and screams. "She's killing us! Come back, please!" He drops his walkie talkie and then breaks it with the butt of his rifle. "They'll be here any minute, just hide until I say so."

Footsteps start getting heavier, he grabs dirt rubbing it on himself and then throws himself into a tree. He slides down the tree and grabs his knife that was stash slashing his arm. He hisses out in pain, but stashes the knife and plays the victim.

"Shit, Lucas, Rob, and Ken." A few hunters enter the scene, but a guy pushes through. "Elijah-"

"Where is she?! She got away?!" The hunter who is on my side coughs and shoots his eyes open in fake pain. "Ken!" Elijah sprints to his side and grabs him. "Where is she."

"She's a powerful man! We won't be able to do it! She killed Lucas and Rob, she almost killed me, but I got some shots in." I roll my eyes. "Lucas was first and I noticed, Rob came in with his silenced pistol, but she ate every bullet and charged at him. I attacked with my knife after firing, but it was useless. She's powerful, man!"

"Elijah, if Ken is saying this maybe we should retreat, the boss wouldn't be mad at that." Elijah tossed Ken to his side and he hissed in pain.

"He won't but I will. I want that bitch dead." All of his men looked scared. "What? Are y'all scared? Of some damn mutt?! I'll show y'all what to be afraid of." He takes out his pistol. "Who wants it huh? A mutt can kill you, for sure. But I can kill too!" He fired his pistol in the air making some of his men jump.

"Elijah we have families to go home too, some of us even have kids. You can't do this." Elijah pointed his pistol and then the man who spoke was shot.

"Watch me. Anyone next?"

"Guys, she's gonna kill us all! Run while you still can!" Elijah pointed his gun at Ken.

"Won't you shut the fuck up! Damn, she sure didn't kill you huh, why spare a pathetic man like you!"

"Because it was a worthy cause. She wanted me to tell you that someone here is a mole." He drops dead and Elijah points his pistol at his men.

"Which one of y'all! I always fucking knew it! Point the mole out and I won't sit here and kill each and every one of y'all." They all pointed their gun and Elijah. "All of y'all. Wait until I tell my motherfucking father." Some dropped their guns.

"No, we're sick of your shit. I rather die a true death to a mutt then to you. Fire!" Guns go off, firing at Elijah.

"Fire!" Elijah spits out his last words as bullets riddled him. His men who were on his side at the end fired at the ones who weren't. Once the firing stopped only four were left standing.

"Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! What are we supposed to say to boss?! He's waiting at their damn house for us! And what will we have to come back with! Nothing! Fuck!"

I drop down and their guns are pointed at me. I put my hands up in defeat.

"Looks like you guys need help, how about I do that for you. You can run and I'll let people think I killed you, and you can do that just disappear into your death and live life. Or I can kill you, and you actually die. Pick."

Two guys sprinted into the woods and I smiled. Smart. I charge at the guy on my right and his bullets fire off, grazing my arm. The guy on my left turned to fire, but I rip the gun from the right guy's arm and hit the left guy with the butt of his rifle. The left guy goes down and I grab the right guy throwing him into a tree.

I snap both of their necks and walk to Ken. "Get up." He stands and I headbutt him knocking him out. I throw him over my shoulder and start walking back to the packhouse.

I walk into the clearing of the packhouse and see their boss sitting comfortably on our grass. My two destined eyes light up and I smile.

"Sir, if I were you I'd run." He turns behind to me and throws Ken into him. He drops with Ken onto the ground and I stand over them. "Or not."

I punch him knocking him out and start dragging both of their bodies into the packhouse. "Do you have cells, my love?" Jasmine nods and I toss her Ken. "Can we go lock them up?"

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