The Great War (part one)

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It wasn't cute. Both of the Alpha laid in hospital beds, Jasmine had to call an emergency meeting, this time about war. While Cassey stood watching her mate's vital signs.

"She declared war, it doesn't make sense why she would do that?" Jasmine held her head in her hands, Aaron paced around the meeting room and his steps were like nails dragging down a chalkboard to her ears.

"Luna! With all due respect, we aren't ready for war! Our numbers are high, but we aren't strong enough. The delta's, the gamma's, shit even the betas will need more training! We aren't ready to go against hunters and vampires!"

Arguments and talk erupt. Jasmine tried to claw at her ears, trying to stop it from getting to her. She knew the war was coming. A vampire attacking a werewolf, the last Lycan that was automatic war. Plus Eleta was her mate, and she killed pack members, not doing anything about it would make the pack look weak, then more would come, more would die. She knew this is what the Queen wanted. She knew they weren't ready, she knew her pack members would soon fall. That her mate was the reasoning behind all of this. She didn't know what to do, but she knew she had to shut the table up.

"Be quiet." Their voices came to a halt and she stood. "My mate, your new Alpha is in the hospital. So much shit has gone down within the few months of her being here, but it was predestined. We were all to face this fate at some point, so there are two options to way out here. We fight, we rip apart as many enemies come our way, and kill that damn bitch. Or we die. Pick." Everyone looked at each other and then erupted into cheers.

Jasmine knew she did good, now she hoped that Eleta would pull through.

Cassey stared at her unmoving form. Her usually brown skin was sickly color, her lips were a dark brown color like she smoked five packs a day, and bite mark that the Queen left was a glowing purple. Her veins around the mark glowed and pulsed with each heartbeat.

"Please, Eleta." She didn't know what to do. She never expects her life to be this way. Luna of her pack, her mate being the last Lycan known, and especially not being in and out of the hospital each week. She reaches for Eleta's hand, taking it within hers, it was cold and clammy. It wasn't a good sign.

"Ah, still here I see? Well, I'll just be a second dear." An elderly woman came in, she checked her vitals and started to walk out. "Listen, I know it must be hard, your mate going through a lot, but just remember. The goddess has a plan for all of us, you must trust her."

She walked out and the silence killed Cassey, she wanted to do something, but all she could do right now was choking on her tears. She wished she knew the goddess plan for her, her mates, and the pack. She wanted to know where she fits in because all she was useful for was watching her mate get injured over and over again.

She thought to herself, that if this was a book the readers would support and love her character, but still hate her for being useless. Unless she was the one to be killed at the end, a sacrifice so her mate could live. She didn't know, but she would if it came to it. She would do it in a heartbeat.

She let out a soft cry, it wouldn't be heard by anyone else, but her. She knew she was breaking. Her will to keep fighting for this was disappearing, her heart couldn't bear the fact she couldn't do anything, it couldn't hold the fact her mate would always be in danger, that her pact would always be in danger. And she would always be the one who did nothing.

Her tears were wiped away by a warm hand, she opened her eyes to see who it was. Eleta golden orbs were glistening at her.

"Why the sad face my love?" Eleta warm smile made all her bad thoughts disappear, she knew that her destiny was to stand by her beautiful mate until the day she took her last breath, and then even in death she would find her.

"I just missed you." She leans in interlocking their lips, she knew this was meant to be. No matter what.

"Alpha!" The two tear apart and stare at Aaron. "Luna Jasmine, the Queen is back and... Your eyes?" Eleta was up in seconds and out the door, she knew what she had to do. She was the Alpha of this pack now, she knew.


I was tired of this shit, my brain throbbed against the skull, and my neck burns. I was going to rip her head from her shoulder, even if I had to go down along with it.

I burst through the pack doors and lift my head up.

Come on nose, where is Jasmine... Gotchu

I run through the back doors and into the woods, dodging trees, holes, and the occasional fallen branch. I was praying to those dumbass elders that Jasmine didn't get herself killed, that she was just cursing her out until I woke up. Shit, how long was I gone for?

I arrive at the clearing where I changed, it was a comforting feeling. Yet my heart dropped seconds later. All the fighters from the pack were standing in front of hunters and vampires.


"You will leave my territory and my pack alone, or else." Fuck, Jasmine.

"Or what Alpha? Oh, wait I know what. Nothing." She let out a cackle and I almost threw up, she wasn't cute at all. "Hand over my prize and we won't have anything to fight about." Growls erupted from my pack but went silent seconds later.

"I will personally rip your head from your neck, no questions asked." The wolves howled and I smiled, yeah that's my baby right there.

"If it is a war you want."

"No," The Queen went silent and my pack turned around at the sound of my voice, Jasmine eyes visibly lit up and I smiled towards her. "You are not allowed to say that. One, you are starting this war. Two, you're the villain dummy, only the hero is allowed to say that. And three, you're a bitch." Her eye twitched and I wink towards her.

"How dare you!" She stops her foot into the ground like a two-year-old not getting what they want. "You are supposed to be mine! Everything perfect is supposed to mine! Mine! Mine!" I cover my ears as her voice reaches an annoying high pitch.

"Well, shit. Acting like that I don't know how anything can be yours... Brat." She screams and I cover my ears once more. "Shit, yo."

"I will have you even if you don't want to be mine!" She raises a knife to her hand and slices her palm. "Because we are connected."

I feel a sting and look at my palm, my palm starts to open a little bit. Jasmine grabs my hand and faces it towards her.

"You bitch! You bit her and linked her to you!" She smiled and licked her palm, closing hers and my wound.

"Correct." I looked at my mate and saw her red eyes start to glow, she started to shake and I grab her, turning her to me.

"We'll kill her, no matter what." Tears formed at her eyes and I wiped them away. "No matter what." I leaned in kissing her.

"Don't touch her!" We break away and I stare at the Queen. "You are mine, whether you like it or not, and since I am not a bitch, I will give you two months."

"Two months?" She smiles.

"To come to me peacefully, or watch everyone you love to die for you." She and her army disappear and I let out a growl.

I face Jasmine and then the pack members, "We have to get our shit together, now."

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