It's Time

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We were walking down the hall, and I could tell both my destines were beyond nervous. I, on the other hand, was ecstatic, I was no virgin, but I was no whore either. Cassy's hand was wrapped tightly around mine, and I gave it a reassuring squeeze. Jasmine's hand was interlocked with mine; I knew she was ready but was Cassy? I had so many thoughts running through my head I didn't notice one of Cassy's friends running up to us.

"Bro, Ashley is acting weird!" Cassy let go of my hand and held Freddie close to her, "I-I ask her who was her mate," Cassy pulled away with a face full of confusion. "Don't ask, but she came running in today after her run, and she was ranting about how beautiful his eyes were and how amazing he was to her, but then it all disappeared when she said that he rejected her."

"What?" Freddie nodded, "Who is the asshole?" He shrugged.

"She wouldn't tell us, so Ginger and Jack told me to go looking for you. Kassandra is comforting her right now; the other two are searching for him."

"I'll help," I grab her hand and pull her to my chest, letting go of Jasmine, "Yes?"

"What about..." I dragged out my words so she can understand, it was planned we planned it. She can't back out now.

"Babe, I need to help my friend." I show her a full smirk, and she smiles at me, "What?"

"You called me babe." A blush crept up her cheeks, and I peck her lips, "Fine go, but we're helping."

"You guys don't have to we got-

"No, no. I am the future alpha, after all, I'd love to help." Jasmine answer was enough for the both of us, I interlock our hands again, and she smiles, "We share her, we need to start getting along." Cassy nods and turns towards Freddie.

"Let's go."

We all walk into the entertainment center, and Cassy's friends were surrounding Ashley. Her eyes were slightly red, and her cheeks were puffy. Cassy left us and ran to her friends.

"Finally, maybe she can help." Kassandra nodded in agreement with her boyfriend, Jack. "She brought her too, and the alpha." Everyone's eyes went to us, and I wave.

"We're just here to help our mate," I nod in agreement with Jasmine. "Did anyone get anything out of her?" Everyone shook their head 'no,' and Jasmine let out a sigh. "Maybe we can find his scent; it should still be on her."

"That's possible?" Freddie looks at my destined in disbelief.

"Yes, mate scents tend to stay on longer than others." Jasmine and I approach the group, "May we?"

"Yeah, just help her," Heather spoke up, Jasmine looks at me and smiles.

"What?" She rolls her eyes and nudges me closer to Ashley, "No, seriously. What?"

"Smell her," I scrunch my nose up in disgust, and she facepalms herself, "Not like that, I need you to find a scent on her that isn't hers, but just as strong. It'll be good practice for you."

I roll my eyes but do as she says, leaning into her and taking a big whiff of air. Her scent came back, blueberries. "All I smell is blueberries, I thought wolves had a perfect smell."

"We do asshole," Kassandra opened her mouth but shut it seconds after her sentence came out. "My apologies." I roll my eyes and see both my destined glaring at her.

"Relax," They roll their eyes, and I let out a chuckle, they were so much more alike then they thought. I took another deep breath in and finally got something else, "Wood? Like burning wood?" It was more of a question because I've never smelt someone that smelt like burning wood.

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