Uh Hi

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"Bye, Jeff." I wave goodbye and step out of the car, walking off towards the school.

I head up the stairs getting stares from both sexes. I push open the doors and take a deep breath. I smelt them all, different breeds of supernatural were walking around me, werewolves, witches, and trolls. Yet of all the smells, one smell was the most distinctive

A small hint of strawberry kiwi grabs my attention, I head towards it only to smell seconds later the smell of vanilla and coffee. I shrug it off, someone probably spraying perfume around each other. I rub my nose and walk towards a group of elves.

"Hey, can you direct me to the office." They glare, but a smaller elf squeezes through. She takes my hand and leads me.

We make it to the office and I bow my head in respect, she pats my head and I stand. She waves me off and I enter the office. I walk to the front desk and smile. The lady's eyes were glued to the computer, I look around hoping to find anyone else, but no. I sigh and plaster my smile back onto my face.

"I'm new here, can you instruct me on-" I'm cut off.


"Elizabeth Hunter." The lady finally takes her eyes off her computer and smiles towards me.

"Ah. Elizabeth I know your mother."

"Oh, do you now?" She nods at me and hands me my schedule and a map of the schools, with some rules, I don't think I'll need this.

"Have a nice day." I nod and walk out, the first bell rings and I groan.

I start a jog towards honors calculus, goddess to I hate math. I knock on the door while glancing around the halls. Empty. I guess I was late.

"Okay settle down, settle down." I hear footsteps come to the door and open it for me.

The teacher I assume smiles warmly at me a lets me in. I head towards the back of the classroom trying to avoid all the stairs only to feel a hand in my bag. I let out a small growl and turn around to see who it was. It was the teacher.

"My apologies, just don't touch me." I took a deep breath in, smelling almost everyone in the class werewolves, including the teacher.

"I would like you to introduce yourself." I cock an eyebrow and she smiles. I turn towards the class and balance my weight onto my right foot.

"My name is Elizebeth Hunter." I walk to the back only to be stopped again. I growl at the teacher. "I don't like being touched and I'm from the vampire realm." Some people look up as I mention my home realm. "I am a vampire, hopefully, I said it slow enough for it to register into your dog brains." I shrug the teacher's hand off my bag and head towards the back, with no interruptions this time.

"Okay." She clears her throat. "Now class, back to the topic." I tune the teacher out, not wanting to hear things I already learned I sit down and hide my face in my arm not wanting to go through this agonizing torture they call a school.

About three classes later I finally got some freedom. Lunch. The time when all teens gather and gossip and start drama. I sit down at an empty corner table and begin to doze off.

"Hi." I glance up from my arm and see a pretty redhead smiling down at me. "I'm Cassy." I close my eyes turning my head back down, hoping she would take the hint. "I came over to see if you wanted to sit with me and my friends because I know how it feels to be new." It goes quiet for a few and I hoped that my silence was a good enough answer.

"So? Will you?" I groan and sit up.

"No, I will not." I crack my neck and roll my shoulders out. "I'm fine being new." Her smile disappears.

A Werewolf's TaleWhere stories live. Discover now