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Rage ignited within the two mates of Elizabeth. Their mate was out cold, bleeding badly and it was because of someone in the foolish pack.

Jasmine was the first to stand, her eyes burning red. Her tired face was now washed with anger. "Who bit her?" Her voice was too calm, sending chills down everyone's spine.

Cassy called the pack doctor over, the few nurses picked their wounded mate up and carried her off. Jasmine was too angry to notice.

"I won't be so calm the next time I ask." The crowd started to shift on their heels. All scared of their future Alpha actions.

"Did she stutter?!" The growl came from the second mate, now standing tall next to the future alpha. "Who bit her?!" The gamma's eyes started to change to dark purple.

A small wolf limps from the crowd, her head bowed. Her mouth was dripping blood. They didn't know if it was hers or their mates. The future alpha was quick to step up ready to punish the small wolf for injuring her mate but the gamma grabbed her wrist, pulling her back. 

An earthshaking growl erupted from the future alpha's mouth, she glared at the gamma's hand that was wrapped tightly around her wrist. Small sparks coming from their touch. 

"What?" The future alpha's voice was laced with venom, but the gamma didn't back down. 

"You can punish her later, our mate." The future Alpha's face softened after remembering her mate was injured, she sighed and ripped her hand away from the gamma's touch. "She will need us when she wakes up." The gamma herself was frustrated and was willing to rip the wolf's throat out, but her mate was her top priority. 

The future alpha gave everyone one last glare, they all bowed. "We are not done." She looked down at the small wolf and kneeled in front of her, "Not even close." She stood and headed out the pack's door and to the infirmary where her mate was. The gamma followed close behind. 

Crossing through some woods, they burst through the infirmary doors the future Alpha took one big smell in and knew immediately where her mate was. She took into a sprint not caring if she knocked over nurses or broke a few things that were in her way. She needed to know if her mate was better. 

The gamma stayed back and cleaning the mess the future alpha was making, apologizing to the nurses she ran into. Hell yeah, she was scared for her mate, but she still knew her manners and her title. 

The future Alpha ran to the door where her mate's scent swam around, the room number '213' was in big dark blue letters. She burst right through the door the doctors and nurses in the room jumped. Her breathing was uneven and rough. 

"Alpha Jasmine." They all bowed and stood awkwardly waiting to see what she would do, the gamma ran in next. "Gamma Catherine." They put their fist over their heart and slightly bowed their head. 

The future Alpha took her steps slow and unrushed. Her mate laid bare in a Nike sports bra and boxers, her waist bandaged up. A bruise was visible at the top of the bandage. 

The gamma stood still, her breathing became shallow with every new glance at her mate. She looked so peaceful, her eyes shut closed. No facial expression to know what she felt. Her body looked beyond beautiful in that black sports bra. The bandage didn't even ruin her look, it just made her more beautiful in her eyes. 

"Will she live?" The future Alpha's voice came out just higher than a whisper, "I mean will she get better?" 

"Yes, she is a very strong girl. There is something though." The gamma and future Alpha approached the doctor, growls coming from every way. "Please stop." She pushed her glasses up onto her bridge. "I've dealt with angry mates before, this does not scare me." The gamma and Alpha backed away and nodded. "She isn't a pure breed vampire. She is a hybrid. Her blood contained another race." The doctor nodded towards her nurses and started to march out. 

"Wait! What is she a hybrid with and how do you know this?" The gamma stared long and hard at her mate, hoping to get another scent but nothing came to her. 

"I've seen this once before, I've been alive long and well before you were even thought of. Blood like hers doesn't show up often, and the way she heals, she's special. Yet the few I've seen go through hybrid process die, hybrids aren't welcomed in many places. She won't live long with that title over her head." The door closed and the room got deadly silent. 

The gamma pulled a chair up next to her mate's bed, the future Alpha paced back and forth.  The gamma didn't want to openly say that hearing the future alpha feet hit the ground over and over again was slowly killing her, because even she was worried. 

"What did she mean by, 'few live?' I have never heard of a vampire mating with another! Vampires hate all other races, they pride themselves on being pure! She must be wrong, I've known Elizabeth since we were kids and she's never told me about her being a hybrid! She would've been killed if that was the case! Like the doctor said hybrids are outlaws! Killed on the spot because of how deadly the mixture can be. So how come she survived? ANSWER TO THAT! She isn't a hybrid, case closed."

"Shut the fuck up!" The gamma shut her mouth as soon as she opened it. "I mean please, you know? If she is we'll still love her. If she isn't we'll still love her. It doesn't matter to me." 

"Of course I know that! But OUTLAWS! Did you not hear that leave my mouth! She can be killed if anyone else finds out! It is a law to kill all hybrids!" The gamma stood up, her chair sliding back and she stomped up to the future alpha.

"I do not care, I will let no one kill her or harm her! So go somewhere else with all that negativity or help me help our mate!" 

The future alpha looked taken back but nonetheless walked to the other side of their mate's bed and held her hand. The gamma smiled and walked back to her side, grabbing her other hand. 

"Are we really all mates?" The future alpha looked up and stared at the gamma. 

"I guess, I mean I don't know. My father has never talked about multiple mates, only that the goddess always has a full-proof plan for us. So, yeah I guess we are. The goddess is never wrong." The future alpha started to sit in the free chair and drift off to sleep. Doubt slowly feeling her mind, could she share? 

"Maybe." The gamma grabbed her chair and pulled it back to her spot, "Maybe." 

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