Welcome Back

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"Elizabeth Hunter get up we leave today," I grunt hearing the words of my mother welcoming me. Not even two seconds later welcomed by cold icy water. I shoot my eyes open to see my mother holding an empty bucket with an innocent smile on. "Aw baby, you wet the bed. Also good morning."

"Ain't nothing good bout' dis' morning."

"Amazing English honey." I glare at her. Wishing looks could kill.

"Mother. I love you, but this right here is not how you show love to your daughter." I motion to my wet bed and body.

"Seventeen years of raising you and you 'ought to thank me for giving birth to you. Placing a roof over your head. Feeding you and clothing you, you'd think that would be enough to show you that I love you."

"No, it doesn't show me more." She places her foot on the side of my stomach kicking me out my bed. And of course, I hit the floor face first.

"Enough now daughter?"

"Yup, just perfect mother." I give her a thumbs up with my face down.

"Good now hurry. We leave soon. Actually, we leave now."

I get up and see how empty my room is. Boy did it seem so big. Even though it was already big, it just seemed bigger. I let out a long groan and hop up to my feet and walk to my bathroom. Doing my normal morning routine and I come out with red and black Nike basketball shorts and a Nike sports bra with a Nike jacket on. I run my fingers through my hair, a nasty habit I formed over the years.

I pick up my duffle bags and then walk out of my room. I go outside the house and sit in the car throwing my duffle bags into the backseat. I place my beats over my ears and wait for my mother to get in. A couple of minutes later she comes in. I take my beats off.

"Off we go daughter of mine." I sigh and place my beats back on dozing off.

I let out a long yawn as I stretch out in the passenger seat of the car, I open my eyes to see my mother staring at me. 

"Creepy." She smiles and looks back at the road, "Is this our old town?" 

"Yes, new house old town." I look around and see the old buildings I used to run around in when I was a kid. Memories come flooding back to me. Being back in the realm of multi felt... nice.

"I never knew how much I missed this placed until now." Houses fly past us until we pull off the road and drive on dirt, "Uh, ma?" We drive until we reach a clearing that houses my new home, more like my new castle. 

"Like it honey?" My mouth hung low as I walked into my new house. The movers already set up our stuff and it looks just like our old home, just a bunch of extra space.

"Where is my room?" My mom enters the house holding some suitcases and my duffle bag. "Sorry, forgot." She throws them on an ottoman.

"Up the stairs, make a right, and go all the way down the hall. You have the second biggest room." I scoff.

"And who has the first?" She swings her hair and I groan, "Of course, how many rooms are even in here."

"Four bedrooms, two en-suite bathrooms, and three guest ones. Now run along, your mother has some work to do." I cock an eyebrow and she shoo's me away. I walk over the where she threw my duffle, swinging it over my shoulder.

I head up the stairs and follow my mothers' instructions, I push open the last door. I walk into my room and look around, cyan-blue walls with a white ceiling, in the middle lay a queen bed with dark blue and grey sheets. My desk is in my personal library which is on the right side. My tv is right next to the door, dangerous. I walk in further and enter what I think is the bathroom, nope I mean closet, empty and bare.

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