Rogues (part one)

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I roll over only to be pinned down on both sides, I open my eyes to see Cassy and Jasmine cuddled onto me, my mark on them both glowing. I beam in pride. I lean down trying not to move too much to wake them up, laying a kiss on both their foreheads. The clock on the nightstand reads, 3:30. I close my eyes to join my destines in sleep. 

"My child," I spring to my feet and see that I am no longer in bed with my two destined. "You are safe and so are your two destined, my child." I look up to see a group of five strangers sitting in front of me, in thrones. I look down only to see my member out, I am naked and bare in front of these people.

"Who are you and where am I?" I cover my member up, seeing a smirk from some of the people.

"And you say she is to be the smart Lycan!" I growl at a man only for him to bare his fangs at me, his accent was thick as he spoke broken English, "You are standing before the King of Vampires, an original! Learn manners girl."

"The King of Vampires? You are a liar! He was slain over thousands of years ago!" The lady in the middle raises her hand silencing the vampire who was about to speak again. "I demand answers! Where am I? And who the fuck are you, people!"

"I am Kyria, the Moon Goddess, creator of werewolves, also an original." Kyria stands, her tan skin glows as her long golden hair touches the ground, her white smile shines bright, and she stands bare as well, a long white robe is her only clothing. 

"I am Lionel, the Angel of Death, creator of all angels, an original." Lionel stands, his pale skin was sickly. His hair, jet black and slicked back, he gives me a small nod, a black tailored suit fits him while his black and white wings protrude through his back.

"I am Liliane, the Goddess of life, creator of fairies and elves all alike, an original." Liliane stands, her skin fair and her hair white, she gives me a small nod, she's wearing a short green dress, while little wings droop low around her feet. 

"I am Camila, the Powerful Witch of Loxine, creator of magic, an original." Camila stands, her skin brown and her hair brown, she holds a straight face as her red dress clings to all of her curves. 

"I am Drac, King of the Vampire race, creator of all vampires, an original." Drac stands, his skin wasn't pale but close to it, his hair was blond and honestly, I couldn't tell what was happening with it. He stared hard at me and I stared right back. 

"Now that you know who we are, let us speak." Kyria sits and everyone follows in pursuit. "We called you here because we need to speak." 

"Where is here?" Drac opens his mouth but is silenced by Kyria. 

"You are in the sanctuary. When powerful creatures die their souls come here, to be an elder for the next generation." 

"So why is it just you guys? Where are the Lycans?" Just as I ask a light shines on an empty throne.

"She knows her knowledge." Lionel smiles down at me. 

"She knows few." I glare at Drac, "She didn't know who we are! What we were!"

"She was a child Drac, she knows enough," Lionel argues in my defense and I give him a small smile in return. 

"You speak nonsense!" Lionel was about to respond but Kyria raises her hand, silencing them both.

"She is here to learn, not to see the two of you argue," Lionel mutters an apology but Drac turns his head away like a five-year-old. "To answer your question, we are the originals, the ones that created the race you see today, meaning we are the strongest of our race and of many creatures." I nod so she knows I am listening. "Lycans were wiped out, the last being your grandfather."

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