Entitled Queen

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I sat on the last step, watching the gamma's and delta's going over stances, and how to protect themselves. Jasmine was in the hospital watching over her father, while Cas was leading all the pups and elders back to their respective places.

I had nothing to do.

"Eleta, can we speak? I looked behind me to see Aaron standing behind me.

"Sure." I pat the space next to me and he sits. "What is up beta?" He lets out a long sigh.

"Since you've been here so much has changed. I finally get to be with my mate, my Alpha and junior Gamma are both mated to the same person and is finally getting along, and things are hectic, but I know you'll always be here to protect the pack." He rubs his face and looks at me. "I know you've only been here for a few months, I know I've been an ass, but I'm sorry. And I hope we can one day be friends."

He stands and I follow his movement. "Of course." I give him a bear hug and pat his back. "You wanna help me with something right now?" He nods his head.

"Yeah, what is it?" I wave my hand for him to follow me and lead him to the cells.

"As you know I brought home two prisoners', and I need to get information on why they raided us."

"Didn't they just want you?" I nodded.

"That's what I thought, but as it turns out they were having their own internal issues, and one of them spilled to me accidentally that one of their top men was getting orders from someone else. I want to know who that person was."

We arrive at their cells and Ken sat in the corner with his legs to his chest. His eyes lit up a little and he ran to the bars.

"Hey, I thought we had a deal? Spare my life and I help take them out! Why am I in a cage!"

"You're alive aren't you. Speaking of I need more information. Who was the person feeding Elijah information." He went quiet. "Now is the time to talk."

"You! It is you who killed my son! Fuck ya, ya damn bitch!" The boss spits towards me and I jump back a little.

"Aaron, would you?" He nods going into the man's cell and handling him. "As I was saying, information please?"

"L-look, I don't know who she was, just that she is some powerful ass person! She had him doing earrings, had him have us doing missions and killing people! We don't know who she is, just that she's some powerful ass chick!" Aaron came out of the cell with blood on his knuckles.

"The old man is useless, he didn't know that Elijah was working behind his back." I nodded. "He did say that if Elijah told anyone it would be his second in command, Erica. She knew everything."

"You got all of that in one minute?" He shrugged his shoulders.

"I can be persuasive." We walk out of the cell room, hearing Ken scream after me. "What happened to him?"

"I got Elijah's men to kill themselves, so I only had to take out like six guys. Made my life easier so I told him we'd spare him."

"Seriously?" I nod. "So how are we gonna find this Erica?"

"We don't, she finds us."

"Which means?"

"I don't know, that's what most people say in movies and it works. I'll probably just have a delta go find her and bring her back here." He nods, "And by me I mean you, go." He goes towards the backyard and I walk into the kitchen.

"Eleta." I let out a groan I look towards the stove to see Susan cooking food. "How are you?" A yawn escapes my lips and I shrug. "You've been here for about three months and have been nothing, but trouble. When is the last time you've been to school?"

"Uh, technically I graduated already." I flash her a smile and she laughs. "What are you cooking over there." She brings me a plate of fish, greens, and mac cheese. I smile at her and dig in. Moaning in ecstasy. "Your cooking is just as amazing."

"And your hunger hasn't changed. Where is your mother, I haven't seen her around the packhouse."

"She's working, she has a job with the neighboring witch coven. Been occupied, she's been asking them about me, studying with them and all that good stuff."

"Your mother always wanted to know more about each race, it wasn't just about hers. That's how she met us. Some people never change." I nod and push her my plate. "Some people never really change."

"Did you ever meet my father? She would always tell me stories and say that y'all were close. Is it true." She nods. "Can you tell me about him?"

"Whatever your mother said is true, he was a good and sweet man. Cared for your mother until his dying breath. No one knew his true identity." I nod. "I have something to ask of you."

"Of course Luna." She grabs my hands.

"Don't stop your two mates from getting their education. Don't stop loving them. Don't ever stop caring for them. And until you die let them know even when you die let them know that you will always be there for them." I nod. "Especially their education, they've missed too many days messing with you!"

I laugh, "I promise." She kissed my cheeks and walks off. I walk into the main room and see two deltas holding someone. "Damn that quick?"

"All we did was we google her name and found her address. They run a shooting range. We got there and grabbed her." They drop her off in front of me and I smile.

"I've been looking for you. Now would you please so kindly tell me who is this woman Elijah was working for?" She spits on my cheek. "What is up with you guys and spitting! That shit is disgusting."

I land a punch on her stomach, her head drops low.

"I'll ask again, who. is. she?"

"Die, mutt." I slap her hard and watch her head snap to the side. She looks at me and spits blood onto shoes.

"Take her to the cells, I'll be down there in a minute." The delta's nod and drag her away. "I wish there was an easier way to do this shit!" I let out a groan and stalk my way towards the cells.

As I walked down the cells Ken jumped at his bars. "Hey! You, I want out!"

"We'll talk about this later Ken. I have someone to beat!"

They had her hanging in her cell by her wrist, while her feet were tied. I stared at her and smiled. She wasn't ugly. Her face clearly had some work done, her cheeks were high and her nose was completely straight. Her hair was red and straight and she had a nice figure. Such a pretty lady doing so much dirty work.

"Are you going to speak now? Cooperate?" She nodded a weak yes. "Thank you, now who is she?"

"Her name is Queen. She's the leader of the vampire coven. She didn't want you dead, she just wanted you. So she found us. She told us she would pay millions to have you alive, but she Antwan rejected her deal. So, Elijah went behind the old men back and took her deal. She made us do little jobs. Taking this, killing this person, so that you can end up right here. She did her homework, she knows who you are long before you killed one of our men. She just didn't tell us everything."

"So why does she want me."

"We don't know, she told us if we didn't get the job finish she would kill us all. We needed the money bad. So when no one came home I ran to our place packing my shit up, ready to go. Until your deltas came in and took me. Now she'll come to get you herself since she fucked up."

"What do you mean by that? If it's war she wants, then it is war she'll get!"

"She doesn't want war. She wants you."

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