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"Your destined, I think that is the right word... I was told that is your people's word for our word mate." I shake my head, her hand finds mine.

"No, you're right." She smiles.

"Good, I'm sorry to spring this all up on you. I know you've only just got here. But I refuse to lose you again. After you left, I had this empty feeling and I just knew then you were my mate." I stare at our hands interlocked. It just felt so right. Yet, so wrong. She's a wolf. I slip my hands out of hers and wipe them on my pants. 

"You said I left? It wasn't really an option. I didn't even get to pack our properly move out." Her face sadness. And the only thing I wanted to do was take that pain away.


"You were changing and then the next thing I knew we were gone. Leaving you and your mother at my old house."

"My mom said you left and would come back soon. That was ten years without my mate, my l- best friend." I move my hand to her face and brush her cheek, she leans into my touch and I smile. I take a deep breath, my eyes rolling back. She smelt of vanilla and fresh air, her smell was intoxicating to me.

"Listen, if I knew what we were of course I would've tried harder to fight to talk to you. I should've fought harder just for the fact you were my best friend. But I was seven," I chuckle, "The second we got to our new place, Ma was so fixated on removing the past from our future. Shit, when she said we were moving from the vampire realm to another realm, I really didn't think this what she had in mind considering how she was." She started to let some tears go and I wipe them away with my thumb. My finger leaving invisible sparks on her cheek.

"I'm not going anywhere again without you Jasmine." I take another deep breath only for my teeth to ache. It's hard keeping my hunger in with her right here in front of me. "Can you do me a favor right now?" I close my eyes, begging for my hunger to stay tucked away. 

"Yes, of course. Anything for you." I felt her hands on my neck, a fire ignited underneath her touch.

"Your scent, and blood. It is making my cravings go out of my control." I open my eyes and she stares into mine, her hands pulled away, and just like that the fire was extinguished.

"Y-your eyes." I nod. "O-of course, I'll be right back." I close my eyes, hearing her steps retreat, I let out the breath I didn't know I was holding in. I open my eyes gaining control, I sit in my spot and put my head down, staring at my sneakers. 

"Fuck me."

"Yes, indeed. The all-so-perfect Alpha daughter is your mate! Ha, I would die if I knew she was mine." I lift my head and glare at Freddie and he swallows.

"Why?" The group laughs. "What do I not know?" Heather slides in next to me and places her legs over mine.

"Well for starters you've missed ten years' worth of stuff." I push her legs off of me.

"So, update me." Ashley chimes in.

"Listen, it isn't right for us to tell pack issues. Just know, she is crazy." I growl at Ashley and she throws her hands up. "The only thing I can probably talk about is her failed relationship with our Beta." I cock my eyebrow. "Basically, her father wants to retire, soon. He wants her to lead, but with a mate. So, the Beta and the Alpha brought their kids together. They were together for like five years before she called it off."

I let out a puff of air and roll my eyes. They're probably exaggerating. I close my eyes and [ut my head down once again. It's crazy, coming home and finding my destined, it hasn't even been a week. But she's a wolf, a mutt. Can I even overlook that? Different species being together isn't taboo, but no, I just- I don't know.

I let out another breath only to feel warm hands wrap around my neck, sparks erupted from my skin, burning, aching to be put out. I turn around to greet Jasmine but only see Cassy, her hands were still wrapped around my neck, slowly making their way to my shoulders. 

I go to question it, but soon her lips crash onto mine. Sparks erupt. I shut my eyes letting the fire consume me. I stand, now towering over her, and wrap my arms around her waist. I wanted more, my hunger demanded more. But soon a gasp pulls me away. I look down at Cassy and she held a smile, but it disappeared the second after I saw it. 

"Listen. I'm sorry Liz. I- I don't know what happened." I touched my lips only to feel the kiss still lingering. I hear a sharp growl and I look to my left, only to see my destined with a black sweater around her neck, and fresh tears coming down her face. Everyone in the café was staring.

"Jasmine, it isn't what it seems. I think?" I push Cassy off of me and slowly step towards my destined.

"You think?" I slap myself mentally for adding that.

"N-no. It isn't what it looks like. I promise." Jasmine breaks our distance landing a nice slap to my face. I flinch, but I bring my face back to hers, taking her hand into mine. "Please." She snatches it away.

"It hasn't even been an hour, and I already know what true heartbreak is. Ten years Elizabeth. Ten fucking years! I waited for you because I knew you were my mate. Ten years I waited for this." She gestures to Cassy and me, she turns to run off. but I grab her arm just in time.

"Jas, please wait." She pushes me off and runs out of the café. The room deadly silent as the doors slams closed. I turn around glaring at Cassy.

"Liz I'm sorry. My wolf took over." I stare at her and march towards her. "Please let me explain." She backs into a wall and I tower over her. I let out a growl.

I slam my fist into the wall near her head. She whimpers and shuts her eyes close. "Explain what! How you cost me my destined, within a few minutes." My voice was laced with venom. "Tell me right now why I shouldn't rip your throat."

Growls erupt from behind me. I don't even need to glance back to know who it is. "Call off the mutts or I'll do it right here, right now."

"G-guys... Chill." The growling stopped and was replaced with whimpers, "I got this." Her eyes meet mine as tears started to fall from her brown golden eyes. My heart aches, as my hand itches to reach out and wipe them away. I let a low growl, that shakes my core.

"Can I please explain... Please, Elizabeth." I nod slowly, not understanding the power she now has over me. "I saw the way you were talking to her, touching her. Something just snap. My wolf screamed mine and I fought her off as long as I could but she took control and kissed you. Claiming you"

I raise my hand to smack her, but something in me makes me hesitate. She sees my hand raised and braces for impact. Instead, I bawl my fist up and punch the wall again shattering the tiles. She opens her eyes. My breathing was now rough.

She drops dead in her spot, passing out. Well fuck.

I pick her up, only to have Heather blocking my way.

"Move." She shakes her head.

"Where are you taking her! You can't even be mad, the strength of an inner wolf is more powerful than what you know! If her wolf took control and kiss you that can only mean one thing!" I growl at a twin forgetting their names.

"And what would that be?"

"She is your mate."

"That makes no sense, Jasmine is my destined!" She shakes her head like she herself is trying o understand it. But the twins nod in unison. "What!" 

"Do you know both your parents?" I shake my head. "Whoever you live with, go home and ask them about their mates. Then it'll make sense." I brush past Heather and dial Jeff to come to get me. 

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