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I bring my head back and let out a painful growl, I hunch over and puke up the contents that were once in my stomach. My breathing got heavy as pain surged through me. My face started to pop and rearrange itself, hearing the bones break and reshift into a different position. I slam my fist into the ground, trying to hold in my cries.

"Elizabeth?" My head shoots up, and I close my eyes tight, letting out a howl. My ribs sunk in and I could feel my legs trying to shift into a different shape. I grab my head screaming out as I feel my claws sink into my scalp. I open my eyes and see hair coming from every pore in my body. I grab my face only to feel where my nose once was to feel a wolf's snout.

I look closer at my body and see brown hair everywhere. My arms were longer and prominent, containing more muscle I ever had. My legs were the same as my arms. My chest was puffed out, and my stomach looked like it was sculpted by Michelangelo. I stand finally being released from the pain and take a deep breath in. I smelt everything. I smelt the fear radiating off of the pack that was behind me. I could hear cars that were miles away. I was standing at least 7 feet tall. I looked at my paws that replaced the soft hands I once remembered.

I turn around slowly, only to see my two destined protecting my mother, the twins were farter away holding an awestruck expression towards me. I tried to talk, but it only came out as a low muffled growl. People backed up in fear, and this time I let out a real earth-rattling growl.

"Elizabeth!" I snapped my head towards my mother, staring her down. "You're scaring them." Her eyes were soft, and I let out a whimper.

"I say we take her down!" I look in the direction from where that noise came from and stared hard at the 'beta.' "She is scaring the pack! I knew she was dangerous!" I let out another growl, "What are you going to do... you filthy hybrid!" I was in front of him in seconds, lifting him to my eye level. His eyes shinned yellow, but I could see my eye color reflecting through his. My pupils looked pitch black; my iris was a dark red that outshined the betas.

"Elizabeth!" I tear my gaze away from the coward beta towards my two destined, "This is my pack, and I don't want you to hurt anyone. Just drop him, please." I took a closer look at both my destined and saw they were littered in marks. I drop the beta forgetting him and now focusing on who did this to them. I was hovering over them both and bent down taking a sniff from them.

"Elizabeth," Cassy let out a moan as my wet snout rubbed over her bare neck. There was gash at her collarbone. I licked her wound and saw it heal instantly, no scar left behind. She let out a small whimper, and I smirked, feeling my lips pull back showing my canines.

Jasmine wrapped her arms around me, her head near my waist. "I'm glad you are alive." I tilt my head in confusion and stare down at her dark brown hair, the smell of dirt and kiwis invaded my nose. She lifts her head up, and her brown eyes stare at mine, I would kiss her right now if I could.

I drop to my knees letting out a pain-filled howl. Jasmine let me go as her eyes shifted from brown to red. I looked down to see an arrow sticking out from my chest. I look into the woods and notice a hunter with a smile on his face. Cassy stood next to Jasmine barring her canines at the man.

"Fucking hunters!"

"Get to the packhouse now!" The Alpha voice rang, and I heard people starting to flee back, "Jasmine! You too!" My destined let out a growl and shook her head, "That is a direct order! Anyone who is in my pack goes to the packhouse now!" I heard a whimper from around the people who surrounded me, they started to back away not turning their back towards the hunter. My mom and the twins followed.

I stood up at my full height and let out a growl, the hunter smile fell from his face as he fumbled to reload his arrow. I rip the arrow from my chest only to see the small hole close itself. In seconds I was behind the hunter, I let out a low, threatening growl. He didn't even look back and started taking off towards the wolves he tried shooting at. In a flash, I was in front of him only for him to run into me and fall on his ass. He tried to crawl away, but I grabbed his ankle lifting him into the air. I pulled him high enough so I could at least see his face, fear lingered on his face.

"Please, no! I have a family, a wife, and kids." I throw him in the air hearing his screams echo.

"Elizabeth!" I turn to my destined and give her a sheepish grin, "Really?" I hear the screams getting louder again and catch the falling man before he can reach the ground.

"Eleta, sweetheart. Let him go." I tilt my head as my mother calls me Eleta, where did she get this name from?

I feel hands wrap around my forearms and sparks igniting under my fur; I give a light shiver. "Please," This time it was Cassy begging for me to save this pathetic hunter. I drop him as he lands on his face, only to scramble to his feet.

"T-thank you.." He stuttered a little, and I huffed my breath out, he needs to get lost before I change my mind. It's like he read my mind and ran out of the woods towards where the roads were.

"Shift." I look down at Jasmine, a smirk playing on her lips. "For us." I let out a whimper and take a deep breath. I shook my head. "What do you mean no?" I don't know how to shift back.

"She doesn't know how to shift back, she barely shifted in the first place." I nod towards my mom and Jasmine makes an all-knowing look.

"You have to think about what you look like as a human." I nod and take a deep breath. I could hear my bones shifting, and I let out a small cry. Minutes passed before I was able to be in my human figure, naked. Jasmine shamelessly checked me out, Cassy, on the other hand, took a few peeks here and there. I look down and see my member slinging around.

"Like what y'all see?" Blushes crept up on both their cheeks. I let out a laugh; it sounded rougher than my usual voice. I still stood taller than both of them, which was new now. "Spare clothes?" Cassy nodded and pointed to a tree, I gave her a wink and walked towards the tree. Behind it was a duffle bag, filled with different sizes and different types of clothes. I grabbed a large shirt and basketball shorts and slipped behind the tree. Not that I would mind my two destined staring at me.

"Can we go now?" I nodded towards the twin, which one was this, they looked impossible to tell the difference. "I never got to introduce myself without Cassy talking for me, I am Jesmar, and this is Jackson." Jackson gave me a slight nod, and I returned the gesture.

We started walking towards the packhouse, both my destined on each of my arms.

"By the way, nice marks." I stared at Jackson in confusing, and he pointed towards my neck. I couldn't see it entirely, but where the shirt was exposed, I saw faint bite marks on both sides. I looked at both my destined, Jasmine looked pleased with her work, Cassy looked shy at me.

I slowed our pacing down and whispered to both of my destined, "When we get home, I'll leave my mark too." I gave them both a wink and smirked. I intertwined my fingers with those belonging to my destined. With my new abilities, I could smell the faint arousal from both of them. My smirk burst into a full smile, and now I couldn't wait until we were alone.

"Eleta, catch up!" I picked up the pace with my destined and walked at an even pace with my mother.

"Mother, why do you keep calling me that name?" My voice was still rough, so I cleared my throat.

"Your father, Alex. We argued over your name for months, and I got my way and named you Elizabeth, named after my grandmother. You shifting made me think of your father, you are reborn. So I want you to carry the name he wanted for you."

"Eleta," I tested the name on my lips and liked the taste it left, "What does it mean?"

"Your father said it means 'chosen' and now that things are the way they are, I see why he wanted to name you this." A smile appeared on her lips as I assume that she thinks back on my father.

"Well, I like it! My Eleta!" A growl shook through Jasmine, escaping her lips. "Our, Eleta." A smile came on both their lips.


"Now I like the sound of that."

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