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I storm out the front door, there she was with her army. Some of the pack members laid on the ground in their blood or were retreating to the packhouse.

"Baby! So glad you could make it." She held a smirk on her lips and all I wanted to do was rip it from her face.

"What happened to two months?" She let out an ugly laugh and started to smile harder.

"Did I say two? I meant one." I wanted to run across and impale her myself, but I knew that wouldn't help anyone, especially myself.

"We aren't ready, what happened to not being a bitch?" She rolled her eyes and made a small gap between her index finger and thumb.

"I'm this much of a bitch, and since you kept acting badly. I will too." Her eyes lit up bright red and I let out a growl. "So shall we begin?"

I felt fingers interlock with me and I look towards my right, Jasmine.

"Run, I'll hold them off. She won't hurt me if we are linked together." I felt another pair of fingers on my left and I turn, Cassey. "Please."

"We are mates, we are pack mates, we are family. We stand by each other, no matter what." I wanted to fight Cassey words, but I knew deep down that's how everyone felt, this was my new family.

"Well isn't that fucking touching, I think I may barf." The queen fake gagged and I rolled my eyes. "Now can we begin?" She flicked her finger and a horde of hunters came charging at us.

"Remember! They're just human! Watch their bows, knives, and guns, they are laced. Now let's go fuck them up!"

The few gammas and deltas that were already outside charged, some shifting, and the others fighting with their bare hands.

"Baby, call my mother and our other allies, tell them to get here as fast as they can." Jasmine nodded and I turned towards Cassey, she's been training but I was scared for her. "Can you please get your friends, especially the twins, we will need them." Cassey seemed hesitant but soon ran inside after Jasmine.

"Time to fuck shit up." I let out a group shaking growl and took a deep breath in. I felt a hand on my shoulder and I turned.

"I'm with you, Alpha." Aaron stood tall, with his hand over his heart and his head low showing his submission. I gave him a nod.

"We have to get rid of as many vampires out there, they are the real threat. Leave the queen to me." He nodded.

"Your eyes changed, do you know that?" I wanted to lie and say no, but I notice them ever since the queen bit me. My beast wouldn't let me sleep, I craved fresher kills, my thirst was ten times worse then what I was used too. I was hoping it wasn't the curse, but until I got answers from my mother, I wouldn't know.

"Yes, but that isn't the issue, they are." I pointed out the field. "I'll lead them to the opening in the woods, the closer they are to the packhouse, the worse we are."

I leap onto the battleground and grab a hunter throwing him towards the queen.

"Hey, Kayli. Come get me." I sprinted towards her.

Two vampires appeared in front of me, their fangs drawn. Both charges at me and I grab the one on my left by the neck, I swing his body in front of mine, blocking his friend from impacting me. I rip his throat out and throw his body to his friend, he dodges it and swings at me. I grab his hand bending it backward hearing a sickening crack. I bend it further back earning a cry, I pull him close to me pushing my hand past his rib cage to his heart, I pull it out and his body goes limp.

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