WT1| The Friend Zone - 03

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"Someone special

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"Someone special."

     I frowned at the time on my laptop's screen at the bottom right

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I frowned at the time on my laptop's screen at the bottom right. The bright screen was still harsh against my eyes though I had been looking at it for a while now.

"Why am I still up?" I asked myself, unable to come up with an answer.

It was 4:30am and I was wide awake. The sun would be peeking through the window behind my white curtains in less than two hours and I hadn't closed my eyes once. I pulled my hands over my face, feeling the stress bleeding from my eyes.

I got up and slipped into my sneakers one foot at a time. Terri had finally did my hair and I was content, for now.

I grabbed my iPhone and looked at myself in the mirror where I noticed I wore faded blue jeans and a tank top from earlier yesterday. I had locked myself in my room because Terri was annoying me again and I hadn't come out since then.

I opened my door and walked out into the dark living room.

My eyes scanned over everything as if looking for something then I spotted a figure on the couch and rolled my eyes.

He's always here.

I walked out the house and took in the breeze which was cold, something I didn't expect in Florida. I felt like I wanted to go back in to get a jacket but my legs wouldn't allow me to

As I walked away from the building, an all black Escalade pulled up smoothly. I looked shocked as a bunch of masked men piled out the car; all had weapons. My eyes widened as one came straight at me with a gun pointed as he grabbed me by my neck.

"You should've stayed inside, bitch." I heard, scaring me further. I literally almost pissed myself from his terrifying words and even more terrifying voice.

"Leave her, we got other shit to do." I heard. Something was familiar about the voice but I couldn't pinpoint it.

"Lucky." The man growled, shoving me away. I gasped for air before taking off into the night. Everything inside me was afraid. Then I remembered, I have family up there. I had to go back for Terri and Rei, yet, my feet were glued to the ground and I couldn't move. Tears started racing down my cheeks. I felt helpless and scared.

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