WT1| Interlude - 16

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          Crying sounded loudly in the small, foul smelling apartment we used to call home

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Crying sounded loudly in the small, foul smelling apartment we used to call home. My father and mother were arguing again and it was just like Millie to lose control at these moments. I sighed, looking around the room where my glass and trash lingered all over the floor.

"This is how you do me?! After everything? After every fuckin' thing?!" My father yelled at the top of his lungs as he looked down at mom.

She looked disappointed, saddened even. Uncle T was on the ground struggling to breathe as my mother cried.

My dad had shot him right in front of us. Logan and Krasmir looked pained because they were the closest to him, however Millie cried just because he only two and didn't understand the situation. I was stuck between upset and confused.

We, as my dad's children, were more than aware of what was going on when he wasn't home. My mom wasn't a worker, she stayed at home and watched us all day and who was right with her? Uncle T.

"I'm sorry, Don, I am so fuckin' sorry!" She screamed as my dad waved a gun around. "Please, sto-"

"Stop? Did you just tell me- you protecting him? You love him?!" He asked as Uncle T started coughing up blood. "You love this nigga? You serious?"

My mom shook her head, not replying or saying anything audible but we all knew what that meant.

Bang! Bang! Bang!

"Who is it?!" I heard from the other side of the door above the crying coming from it

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"Who is it?!" I heard from the other side of the door above the crying coming from it.

"It's Wyn!" I shouted back, looking at my nails before the door was snatched open. "What's up?"

Taylor gave me a small smile. "Hey-"

"Where is the fuckin' milk!? Are we out of milk?" A loud yell could be heard from behind her before she sighed dramatically and rolled her eyes, moving to the side to let me in.

"Terri, I told you to go get some yesterday before Lyah left!" Taylor shouted back as she closed the door.

Lyah stomped down the stairs with an attitude. "I don't understand why you bitches yellin' like y'all not three feet from each other. What the fuck!" She yelled over both of them.

The whole time, Rei cried in Terri's arms. "I think she's hungry." Terri said, sitting her on the counter. "What's wrong with you?"

"Maybe it's because you never was around, barely had her." Taylor mumbled, walking pass me. "What's up, Wyn?"

I looked down at her after looking around at the chaos. "Everything good?"

"No!" Both Taylor and Terri shot out at the same time.

Taylor rolled her eyes again. "Ever since she got here, Rei just will not stop crying and I don't even understand why!" She sighed.

I smiled down at her. "Calm down, ma. You know she been gone for a minute, this probably hard on her-"

"But she ain't gotta take it out on my bitch though." Lyah spat before taking Rei and rocking her. "I told you, you have to rock her when she cries, that soothes her.

"Don't tell me how to take care of my child!" Terri shouted.

Lyah looked at her like she was crazy before walking away from her. "Y'all better get her because the bitch don't know me and I promise you-"

"Calm down." I said, being the peacemaker again. "Terri, you good?"

"Do I look good?" She shot before walking out the kitchen and into the living room.

I put my hands up defensively. "See? She taking her frustrations out on everybody and I don't wanna deal with it. Like it's getting on my nerves." Taylor said lowly, crossing her arms.

Terri was nothing like I expected. She was the opposite of Taylor and even though Taylor had told me that Terri was adopted, it was still a shocker at how different they were- if they weren't siblings I was sure that they wouldn't have been caught in the same room together.

"Okay? And you're not getting on my nerves?" Terri shot.

Taylor turned around. "Bitch, you're so close-"

"Oop!" Lyah let out, laughing a little. "Is that what I think that is? A little ratchet?"

That made everyone laugh. "Yeah I heard just a little." I said, shaking my head.

 Winter Toes: No Love (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now