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GLYNNReal eyes recognizeReal lies

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Real eyes recognize
Real lies

     My heels clicked against the floor as I walked from the back to the stage to get ready to perform

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My heels clicked against the floor as I walked from the back to the stage to get ready to perform. My hips swayed side to side until the strobe lights flickered upon my skin. I felt like a goddess up there. I was famous here.

Work by Rihanna played and I began rolling my hips to beat. From there, I gripped the pole and did a twirl, all the while my hips wining. It wasn't long before money started flying and I started really getting into it. As Rihanna sang the song, I twerked and leaped into the pole, showing everyone my flexibility and tricks.

This was something I've been doing for years. What once was shameful turned into a lot of confidence. It made me feel sexy and wanted, two things I didn't feel as a child.

My family was good. We were raised in the church and brought up to respect ourselves. Bullshit. Everyday I went to school to get an education, every single day the kids in school teased me. They called me ugly and skinny. "Bucktooth Glynn" is what they called me. Still to this day, I think about the emotional scars those names left on me. My twin, however, was popular and loved. No one thought we were related because her teeth was straight and she looked better.

I was bullied most of my life. Never had high school love or anything. All my sisters were lucky. They were accepted and worshipped.

Later on, I started to fix myself. My depression fix was the plastic surgery my paid for. Braces and extensions, I was beautiful and thick. Everyone wanted me then. I shitted so hard on all of my high school friends and even the cheerleaders that wouldn't let me join the squad because of my looks.

I walked into this club five or six years ago, refusing to be rejected. And how could they? I was gorgeous with a mean flex. Every day afterwards was heaven.

Until I heard mom died, later on dad. Now I'm hearing rumors about Cyn? It was too much for me to take in. It made me want to be close to family again. I didn't trust Terri though and Taylor was somewhere else I heard.

 Winter Toes: No Love (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now