WT1| Honesty - 09

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"Honesty is easy,lying is hardly

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"Honesty is easy,
lying is hardly."

       I looked over at Wyn as he lay there with Rei on his chest looking up at the ceiling

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I looked over at Wyn as he lay there with Rei on his chest looking up at the ceiling. He knew I was looking at him. He had to feel it. After our little argument, we had been each other the silent treatment like crazy with no intention on stopping it. I still couldn't help but notice how the two interacted with each other.

Even after everything, Rei still loved her some Wyn.

"Your sister is okay." He said still without looking at me.

I nodded to let him know that I heard him. "Okay but where is she?" I asked, staring at him for a while.

"It's safe to go home now if you want to go." He said, looking at Rei now, as he ignored my question. I smacked my lips and rolled my eyes, why was he putting me through this?

"Do you want me to go?" I asked, not even sure if I wanted to go "home" anymore since he had made it a point that it was probably not even there anymore. What was home? Nowhere is exactly what it was. He was quiet as I waited for an answer.

"No." He finally answered after a while. Inside, I was smiling with satisfaction from his answer but I physically still appeared serious.

"Why?" I asked him.

I was laying on my side tracing the fabric I was laying on, my hair still in a bun, my clothes still revealing a lot.

He reminded me a lot of Chris, always seeming protective in a sense even though he didn't have to be. Even though it was obvious that no one else wanted him to be.

"Because I was serious about what I said." He answered, playing in Rei's hair. I remembered what he had said about "love"

"Why? Why me?" I wanted to know what was so special about me.

 Winter Toes: No Love (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now