WT1| Man In Disguise- 04

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"What can start as innocent could always become something more

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"What can start as innocent
could always become something more."

          Our conversations used to be brief and subtle, but soon afterwards they were longer and less shallow

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Our conversations used to be brief and subtle, but soon afterwards they were longer and less shallow. What I thought was a mere attraction blossomed into a heart throbbing crush and I hated it. He was exactly what I hoped he'd be; charming, respectful, funny, careful. He didn't agree with everything I said, including the love topic, and he wasn't too clingy. He was the first I talked to about everything, day to night, like when I got the job and when I almost failed my test. I couldn't go a minute without talking to him and it was scary.

It had its flaws, like when he disappeared from the conversation hours at a time then came back with an excuse and an apology. It made me wonder what he was really doing. I figured him telling me he was cutting hair was true but late night errands for his mom didn't fit right. I didn't question him, that wasn't my place.

I became less worried with what Terri and Calib were doing and more attached to Wyn.

He made me want more time from him. I wanted to be around him but I kept quiet. I didn't want to seem needy like Terri. I didn't want him to think I needed him around because I didn't.

So I made a plan. Fall back and make him chase. Make him realize that I don't need him.

My phone vibrated for the twelfth time this day and still I ignored it as I lay on the couch in the living room, playing with Rei. I knew it was him. He's the only one that texted me.

I didn't have friends or associates even, even working at my new job I didn't contact anyone on a level outside of work.

I didn't want this to be a relationship anymore than he did; I didn't want this to be love. I saw what it did to people so I did what I did best, I fell back. All I wanted was the friendship in a man I somehow yearned from whenever I was alone with Reiya.

 Winter Toes: No Love (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now