WT1| Pain - 32

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There will always be hurt,
There will always be pain

Everything seemed so familiar as if I've been here before, like a dream or something. It was like deja vu, or karma. Everything was coming back to me. What's next? Who's next? Those were the things I wondered the most. I watched all my enemies and friends come together in one room for one occasion, my father and my brother's death. For the first time, I felt emotion. Once again, I felt that pain I no longer wanted to feel. Money, not even 25 yet, was murdered the same day as my father. He wasn't even able to really live life yet and that's what crushed me. My father didn't even give him a choice, he didn't give any of us a choice. And as he laid there in his grave with a big ass slit across his face, I could only hate him even more. I knew he was probably 100% his fault, but I needed to know more. I've been wronged before.

"Wyn, man. You good?" I heard. I shrugged it off before looking in the direction. It was Junior, behind him was Kayo and Pistol.

Kayo nodded at me and I have a nod back before continuing to look around. I spotted Lyah, crying at one of the caskets, had to be Money's. I frowned before I noticed Taylor walk to her and rub her back. They hugged and Lyah began sobbing harder. I looked around for Fabio. He was definitely next on my list.

"Yo, um, Junior..." I called, my eyes traveling around.

"What's up?" He called, looking to me.

"Your dad came through?" I asked. He chuckled a little bit.

"No, don't even think about it." He said, causing me to chuckle. I looked at him.

"What?" I asked, standing steady.

"I know what you thinking and no. You not about to put hands on my dad, I know how you are-"

"You know he fucking your babymama?" I heard from behind me. When I looked, a girl I didn't recognize was there.

"Nai, gone with that bullshit." Junior said waving her off.

"I gotta show you this." She said before going closer to him and pulling out her phone. "Check it."

"You said you loved me, Fabio." I heard and later on afterwards much, much more. I could see on Junior's face that he was pissed. He was showing exactly what I felt on the inside.

He snatched her phone and I threw a nod at Kayo and Pistol, that was our cue. We followed Junior straight to Fabio.

No words were spoken, Junior threw the phone straight into Fabio's face and started swinging on him. Cyn looked horrified as Junior called her every name in the book. I took that chance to pull out my gun and Kayo followed. I fired several bullets into Fabio. Cyn screamed. Everything else was a blur.

I looked up to that man. He betrayed me. He showed me that the people that could be trusted was extremely limited. Gunshots rang out everywhere, literally. I wasn't even sure of who made it out alive but I felt no remorse. The cops showed up and arrested several people, but I wasn't one of them. Kayo, Pistol, and I were covered, pretending to calm a lady down.

"What the fuck happened!? Who did this? Who did this? No, no, no!" I heard. I looked to Taylor, holding onto her sister. Looking from her to Fabio to Junior, crying. Lyah tried to hold her back but she kept snatching away. "Noo!"

 Winter Toes: No Love (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now