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what we go through forlove

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what we go through for

    Ava laid soundly asleep next to me  as she normally did on weekends when she didn't have work

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Ava laid soundly asleep next to me as she normally did on weekends when she didn't have work. It had been a month since Taylor left and it felt like years. Of course what I felt for her wasn't lost but I believed that enough was enough. I had did enough to her so it was time for me to let her go. Ava no longer felt like a distraction. It felt like she belonged here. For now...

Things had been quiet for a while. No one was stepping up to the plate and Kayo was more than ready.

We agreed that now was the time for him to make his move. We hadn't heard from Pistol since he shot Taylor and something was up with that. We agreed to find him and see what was up with him first. So I slid from underneath Ava and headed to the bathroom to take a shower. I got dressed and gave Ava a kiss before walking out to my car.

Each day I felt watched. I didn't know if I was just paranoid but I couldn't help but feel it.

I got in the car and headed over to Kayo's house. He didn't live too far from me so the drive wasn't as long as it used to be when we met at Pistol's house. When I entered we dapped each other up and shared a manly hug. I saw a bunch of new cats sitting around his house, I figured they were dudes he trusted to get into work with him. I wasn't complaining. As long as everything worked out smoothly.

"So, what's up? Any word from Pistol yet?" Kayo asked, drinking from the cup that was in his hand.

"Nah, still nothing." I told him, looking around. "You need to clean up."

He chuckled a little bit before shaking his head. "Hell nah. But anyway, I saw your mom the other day."

That took me by surprised so I gave him a look. "Wait, my mom? Where at?" I asked, tilting my head a little.

"Over on Jeffreys, bruh. She was smiling, looking happy." He said with a nod. I smiled at that.

"Good, I'm glad." I told him. "But back to this Pistol shit. You know where to even start looking for dude?"

 Winter Toes: No Love (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now