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A new chapter

      "Little Bit" by Chris Brown played in the club as I sat in VIP with my lips wrapped around a bottle of something some thug bought

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"Little Bit" by Chris Brown played in the club as I sat in VIP with my lips wrapped around a bottle of something some thug bought. It felt good as the liquor burned my throat a bit. It didn't matter how drunk he thought he was about to get me, I was not going home with his busted ass. These drinks didn't make his Gucci belt any realer than it wasn't. I laughed at his jokes with my friends only because we were about to bust his ass soon. I hated being here but it was what it was.

The song switched to "D.O.P.E." by Rick Ross as Rima and Cory gave me a head nod, it was time.

"Yeah then we shot that nigga in his chest and--" I cut Don's sentence short by gripping his leg.

"Ooo, you're so tough. Why don't you show me how rough you can get?" I slurred, pretending that the liquor was really getting to me.

He licked his lips and I noticed something in his eye, something familiar. But only for a moment because then he got up and nodded. I smiled, following him as Cory and Rima handled the other two.

I was positive that all these men were armed and had a bunch of niggas ready to blast but that meant nothing to me. I did this for a living, when I wasn't stripping.

Don's hands had traveled places they didn't belong before we had even made it to the back. He began kissing on me and I could smell his alcohol beverage. He was slurring shit I couldn't understand, that's how I knew he was out of it. Then I did it. I pulled my blade out my panty line and stabbed him four times in the side deeply until he hunched over and held his side.

"Shh, baby. It'll be over before you know it." I whispered before slicing him across the face. I stared at him for a bit before I linked the familiarity. He was Wyn's father. I smirked. This would be good.

I looked around before dragging his body into a corner and sliding my blade back in the original position. When I turned around to flee the scene, Terri was there.

"Well, if it isn't my big sister Glynn. What you up to?" She asked, looking around me. I stepped in the way of her view before looking her over. I laughed.

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