WT1| Suspect - 24

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I looked at Fabio's car with suspense because we had made a deal that he'd stay in Atlanta until we worked all this shit out. So why was he here? I figured it had to be important if he was. Everyone got out of the car simultaneously, all probably wondering the same thing. I got to the door first, meaning of course I had to open it.

Once inside, Fabio was sitting on the couch with Rei sleeping in his arms. I looked at him with a side eye.

"I came to check on everything." He said, looking from me to Taylor who was beside me.

I knew he was lying because he had eyes everywhere. Anything that went down, especially right now, didn't go unseen with him. But why was he lying? I looked to Taylor then back to him.

I was wise, always have been. I always had that extra sense telling me when someone wasn't getting the truth. Fabio knew that.

"Everything's fine here." Cyn spoke out first before I got the chance to.

"Yeah." I cosigned.

Fabio chuckled. "Have you checked on Terri, Taylor?" He asked, not once moving his eyes from hers.

She suddenly looked nervous.

"No." She mumbled.

"Well, I came to inform you that she checked out of the hospital today and she is not too happy. Watch your back because she's working with people you think you're close with." He said before getting up, carrying Rei. "I need to get her back home."

And just like that, he was on his way out. Two men I didn't even notice was with him.

Before leaving, he stopped by Cyn and Junior. "See you at home."

Not once did he say anything to me. I looked back to him as he exited. Now I was really curious.

"I thought I was close to her. Betrayal is everyday with me." Taylor said, rolling her eyes. "I don't trust a soul."

I shook the brief thoughts out my head before looking to her. I smiled. "You trust me."

She looked up to me and smiled back, licking her lips softly. She was so beautiful. She was about to comment when a loud smack was heard. I looked from her to Junior and Cyn.

When I saw Cyn holding her face, I knew they were back at it.

"You thought that fucking shit was over?" He yelled, getting ready to strike again but Cyn got to him first.

 Winter Toes: No Love (Editing)Where stories live. Discover now