WT1| New To This - 11

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WYN"It's money over everything

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"It's money over everything."

         Trusting another? It was never anything I was fond of; only because there was no one worth trusting

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Trusting another? It was never anything I was fond of; only because there was no one worth trusting. That was before I met Taylor. Just talking to her that one day at the mall told me something about her. It told me that I wanted to know everything about her... so why was life making this so hard?

All I wanted was for me and her to be something useful.

Taylor was quiet. So quiet it scared me then she walked smoothly over and sat down on the couch across from Lyah and I.

"How?" She asked, looking pass me and into Lyah's eyes. "How? How do you lose a child? How is she gone? Where did she fuckin' go?"

I couldn't help but feel guilt. I knew she was looking pass me because of the "other Taylor" situation. It wasn't what she thought though, but how was I going to explain that she was an ex from long ago that I didn't want back. I was going to figure out a way but then I got here and Lyah was crying her heart out, only to give me the most devastating news. Rei was gone.

"I-I don't know. We were at the shop and she was running around like always then... I turned around and she was gone." Lyah stammered. Taylor shook her head, her hair following.

I could tell she didn't believe her. That or she was just pissed off. She chuckled a little, lightly as if it was almost to herself, as she paced a little bit then sat down again.

"No Lyah, seriously where is Rei at? I'm not in the mood for no games." Taylor said, wiping her hand over her face as she stood to her feet.

"I'm being dead ass with you right now." Lyah tried to explain before Taylor got up so quick just to go for Lyah's neck.

I jumped up between them to stop them from fighting and that alone made Taylor pull back. She looked at my chest and I could sense the hesitation before she turned away.

"Fighting is not gonna fix shit. We need to come up with a plan and get Rei." I said, being the peacemaker.

I knew Lyah and no matter how sad or "sorry" she was, she would never turn down a fight. Taylor ignored me though and walked away towards the stairs. I looked to Lyah to see if she was okay. She huffed before sitting back down.

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