WT1| Moving Up - 01

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"You get what you earn,
but you lose what you don't."

"Aree you excited, sis?" My sister asked, rocking my niece in her arms beside me once I slumped down in my seat on the outer edge of the row

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"Aree you excited, sis?" My sister asked, rocking my niece in her arms beside me once I slumped down in my seat on the outer edge of the row. We were on the plane, New York to Florida or as we were called it "the trip to a better life". It was something we had planned to do since our other sisters left years ago but never had enough finances or balls to do.

It was hard to leave New York, especially when my mother was sick but the woman was in a hospital where we could barely see her due to all of the complications and such. We just needed to get out of that depressing city and hopefully start a better lives for ourself and my niece, Reiya.

"Yeah, I am." I admitted before looking down at the science book clutched tightly by my long, stiletto pink nails. My sister nudged me with her arm, getting me deep in my side, and shot me a disappointed look.

"Can you stop studying for a minute? Come on, we're going to Florida!" She said, shimmying. I rolled my eyes at first but quickly let my boiling attitude go, she was right.

After Chris, I had developed the habit of burying myself under school work any chance I could get. I hadn't made any free time for myself mentally or physically and any cause of stress from school I literally put on myself. I needed a way to keep myself from those depression thoughts that lingered in the pit of my mind at night so sometimes I'd just bury my head in a book until I dozed off.

I laughed in response to Terri and closed the book, hooking a page and bending it slightly I to bookmark it. "Only for a second because I have to stay on track, okay?" I said, putting the book in my bag between my legs.

"No studying until we land." She told me, her long and curly hair spiraling on each side of her light toned face as she shot me another look.

I looked at her with a serious expression, wondering if she was serious herself. "That's like me telling you to stop being a mother until we land, shut up." I shot back smartly, rolling my eyes.

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