WT1| Crazy Bitches - 36

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        I looked over my phone to Nai from the backseat. She was always up to some shit, but we had a lot in common. Both wanted to be at the top, both wanted people to suffer on our way up. We didn't care who we hurt on our way up, we just made sure we swept them out the way. That's what made our friendship extremely toxic. I watched over my back everyday with her, she was crazy. She made me look at myself in a different perspective. Is this how mother fuckers view me? I wondered.

"What happened?" I asked, noticing that she looked pissed.

"He just hung up in my face. I hate that shit so now... Now I gotta kill his ass." She said, shaking her head.

"We need him alive." I reminded her. She shook her head again.

"No, fuck that. I should blow this house the fuck up now!" She yelled, slamming her fists into the steering wheel. "Why would he do that? Why would he hang up on my face like that?"

I could hear in her voice that she was now crying. People warned me not to talk to her when she got like this. She would talk herself out of it after a while.

"Maybe, maybe I should just kill myself. Yeah, yeah? Yeah. Then everything would be good and nobody would hang up on me no more." She said with a laugh as she sniffled. She literally went through this mindset ten times a day. "But then, they'd get the top. We don't want that, do we Nai? No.. No, we don't.."

She then started the car and pulled off. It was good advice from whoever gave it to me.

It was her that pulled the plug on Cyn because Cyn didn't reply to her when she was questioning her about the whereabouts of Taylor. But Cyn was passed out, there was no way she could really respond. That made me look at her a different way. What if I was next?

It didn't take long for her to get angry.

"Why you so quiet back there?" She asked, looking at me through the rearview mirror.

"Oh, I was just focusing on this game I was playing." I lied as I pointed to my phone.

She laughed. "Oh, my bad." She said before looking ahead. "Are you staying over again?"

"No, I think I'm going to go on home actually..." I said, shaking my head.

"No, I think you should stay over. It'll just be me and you. And Calib but he only coming over for a bit." She said.

Why ask me if you are just going to force me to anyway? "Okay." I said, looking out the window.

"Great, best friend." She said, laughing a little.

Before she killed her sister, she had no friends. Everyone thought she was crazy, which she was. She was crazy as hell. So no one dared to come within several feet of her. Except me, and even I wouldn't have done that if I knew she was so dangerous.

 Except me, and even I wouldn't have done that if I knew she was so dangerous

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    She pulled up to the house where Calib was waiting outside by his car. I wish I had my own car to escape this bitch.

We got out and walked to him. "Did you find anything out?" He asked.

"No, we're still on it. Wyn isn't willing to talk right now..." She trailed off and he nodded before looking to me and licking his lips.

"Hey, Terri." He mumbled. I waved. "Well, I'll be back in the morning. Be safe."

He then quickly got in his car and drove off, leaving me with Crazy once again.

"I don't like the way he looks at you." She said, her face turned up with jealousy. This was going to drive me crazy.

"I don't think he was looking at me a type of way. Let's just go in-"

"So, you calling me delusional? Only crazy people are delusional and unless you calling me crazy I know what I saw." She said, looking at me, her eyes wide.

"O..Kay." I said, turning towards the door.

Suddenly, I felt a grip on my ass. "I'm sorry I'm just a little overprotective."

And bipolar... And gay... I thought before turning to her with a smile. "It's okay. Let's just go in the house, I'm tired." I mumbled.

She started approaching me closer. "Mhmm." Then her lips met mine and my whole body felt as though I had roaches crawling all over me. I just wanted to push her away. And that's exactly what I did.

"What are you doing?" I asked. She came back again, this time more aggressive.

I wanted to scream, anything. I dropped everything. Is she really about to rape me? I asked myself.

She gripped my head tight and smacked it into the door, sending bells throughout my head. I heard ringing in my ears as she repeatedly smacked my head into the door. Her nails were deep in my skin as she kissed me roughly.

Now I was screaming and pushing at her which only forced her to get rougher.

"You're mine." She said. And that's all I could remember afterwards.

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