Chapter 1

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September first had come again. This day should have felt familiar to Hermione. She had looked forward to completing her education. But after the summer she'd had, Hermione had begun to dread the day.

This had been a crazy summer. Hermione supposed she should have appreciated it. And there were parts that she did. She had managed to restore her parents' memories. She was happy to spend the summer in her familiar, comforting home. She had been elated when in mid-August, she received a letter inviting her to return to Hogwarts that September. But the entire summer was not so great.

The beginning had been tough. It was not even a week after the Battle of Hogwarts when Fred's funeral took place. Ron had turned to her for comfort. The day was painful for Hermione in the first place, but watching Ron and his family fall apart had made it a thousand times worse.

She wasn't sure if Remus and Tonks's funeral was better or worse. This time it was Harry who fell apart and Hermione comforted while little Teddy looked on, still unaware of his loss.

Many of the days after that were spent with Ron. It was great in the beginning. They could talk about anything all day. But then - and Hermione still didn't quite know how - those talks turned into fights. For three miserable weeks, every day was a series of of yelling, slamming doors, and tears. Finally, in July, one final fight - the ugliest fight Hermione had ever been in - did them in.

Today would be the first time Hermione saw Harry since she ended it with Ron. As much as she had him over the summer, she didn't know how they could possibly be the same when she had met such a terrible end with his best friend. Especially since he was the reason why.

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