Chapter 12

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Harry sat in class, staring ahead the Professor, but not hearing a word of what he was saying. He wished he could control time. He wished he could go back to when he and Hermione were alone together, not worrying about a thing. Although another part of him wished he could erase those moments. Those were the moments that got him into the most trouble.

But he couldn't bring himself to regret what he'd done with Hermione. He did have regrets about the situation. He regretted not breaking up with Ginny sooner, especially since he had lost his feelings for her days before he cheated with Hermione. But when he thought about it, he wondered if that situation would really be all that much better. If he had broken up with Ginny sooner, it would have been for Hermione. Ginny would still disapprove of his relationship with a close friend of hers, and Ron would still be angry with him for hurting his sister. Besides, he could wish all he wanted, but he'd never be able to undo what he did.

Now he sat in his class, wishing it wouldn't end so he wouldn't have to face Ron. But all too soon, the bell rang. It was time for dinner.

Harry and Hermione made their way to the Great Hall in silence. They took seats next to each other, farther down the table then they'd ever sat before. They couldn't see Ron or Ginny from where they were sitting. Perfect.

Harry silently dug into his dinner, all of his attention focused on his plate. But after a few minutes, Hermione nudged his arm. "Harry, I think word's beginning to get around," she whispered in his ear. Upon hearing this, Harry looked up for the first time since got there. He saw several people quickly look away, and a few who didn't bother and continued whispering to each other, looking in his direction.

Harry shook his head and returned his attention to his meal. "Ignore them," he said curtly.

Through the corner of his eye, he could see Hermione looking taken aback and somewhat hurt. Deep down he felt guilty, but it was buried under layers and layers of anger. Tentatively, Hermione looped her arm through his and laced their fingers together, squeezing his hand reassuringly and offering a small smile. At this Harry relaxed a bit and squeezed her hand back.

They took their time with their meal, still not saying much, just procrastinating having to see Ron. They stayed until the food disappeared from the platters and they were the only people left in the Great Hall. Never letting go of the other's hands, Harry and Hermione made their way slowly up the stairs.

By the time they reached the top of the stairs, Hermione's face was pale and worried. Harry waited until they were in front of her door to put his arm around her shoulders and kiss her forehead gently. "I'll be okay," he whispered, knowing full well that Ron was waiting outside his door as he spoke.

Hermione's voice broke when she spoke. "I'll go with you."

"You don't have to."

"No," she said somewhat defiantly, her voice clearer now. "I want to."

Harry shook his head. "I don't think it's a good idea, Hermione. I'm sure he's angry with you, too. I don't want you to get hurt."

"I don't have any more chance of getting hurt then you do. Besides," she smirked slightly. "I can handle him. I'm the brightest witch of our age, remember?"

Harry smiled back a bit and sighed. "Okay. You win." He glanced at his watch nervously. "We'd better go now."

Hermione nodded, suddenly feeling much more confident. She took Harry's hand and started walking. For some reason, she couldn't seem to stop smiling.

Harry had taken several side glances at her when he finally looked straight at her. Her smile seemed to be contagious. "What's got you so happy?"

Hermione spoke through giggles. "I don't know!"

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