Chapter 28

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Just spit it out and get it over with, Hermione thought to herself as she gripped Harry's hand so tightly both of their knuckles were white.

The doctor pulled up a chair. "I must say, you were very lucky."

Hermione sighed. "You mean the baby's okay?"

"Not necessarily," the doctor said. Hermione's eyes widened. "The baby's alive," she added quickly. "But it was a very close call. If you had come in any later, the baby would very likely not have made it."

Hermione closed her eyes and exhaled, trying to calm herself. "So what am I supposed to do?"

"You need to go very, very easy on yourself. You and the baby are in a very delicate condition. You need as much rest as you can get. If this happens a second time, it will be much more serious than it was this time."

Hermione pursed her lips and closed her eyes, straining hard to keep the tears back. She could only nod, knowing that if she tried to speak, she would sob.

The doctor nodded back. "You'll be able to leave tonight. I'll give you two a moment."

It wasn't until she heard the door close that she let out the sob that had been begging to break free. Harry wrapped his arms around her. Hermione nuzzled her face in the side of this neck.  "I feel so guilty," she muttered between sobs.

"You didn't do anything wrong," Harry whispered.

Hermione sobbed again. She was become hard to understand. "I-I know but this b-baby is going to be my r-responsibility and I c-can't even take proper c-care of it before it's b-born."

Harry stroked her hair, knowing that that usually helped to calm her. "Hermione," her whispered soothingly. "You never would have done anything knowing it would harm your baby. Now you know how you can fix this. Everything will be okay."

Hermione shook her head. "Harry, I knew from the beginning that something was going to go wrong." She inhaled to hard it hurt her throat.  "I should have been careful from the start. I shouldn't have had to be t-told."

"Hermione, you've never done this before. There was no way you could have known."

For a moment she didn't say a word, just sobbed. Then she held her breath until she thought herself able to speak again. "I just feel so guilty."

"I know. But it's not your fault. Everything will be okay."


Hermione hated it. She had had to leave work two months early. Of course, Harry was not allowed to leave with her, so she was left without him for the day. Perhaps she would have been happier if she were allowed to pick up Teddy. Not only would it give her something to do, but she would also have practice for when she became a mother - which, she constantly reminded herself, was very soon. But since the incident, she was told not to lift anything too heavy. Unfortunately, Teddy qualified as 'too heavy.'

It was Andromeda who came to care for Teddy. What would we do without her? Hermione thought to herself.

But even with Andromeda to keep her company, Hermione quickly grew bored. She hoped that the three months of waiting would go fast.

A/N: Guess what guys! It's almost baby time! That means it's time to come up with a name. So please leave suggestions in the comments. (Depending on the gender I might keep the canon names but still, comment your ideas).

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