Chapter 29

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Harry opened the door slowly, revealing a whole family of redheads. Ron grinned at him. "Hey, mate," he said, leaning in to hug Harry.

Harry returned his greeting and repeated the process with the whole Weasley's family.

"How's Hermione doing?" Ginny asked when Harry had let them all in and closed the door behind him.

Harry sighed. "She's in a bit of a dark place right now. She hasn't been able to do much since the incident, and now she's over a week late. She really just wants to have the baby and finally be able to move again."

"What do you want us to do?" Mrs. Weasley's asked.

Harry shrugged. "Lift her spirits. Your guys are like a second family to her. I figured if anybody could make her feel better, it would be you guys." He paused for a moment. "Although I would recommend you go in one at a time. If we overwhelm her, she will most definitely not be pleased."

A soft chuckle came from all of the family. Mrs. Weasley was the first to speak. "I'll go in first. I know exactly what to say to her."

Harry nodded. "I'll show you where she is."

He lead her up the stairs and down the hall until he reached the room he and Hermione shared. He knocked on the closed door, then opened it just wide enough to poke his head in. "Hermione?"

"Yeah?" Hermione answered, looking up from her book.

"I have a surprise for you." Harry pushed the door open farther so that Mrs. Weasley was in her view.

"Oh, hi, Mrs. Weasley," Hermione said with a smile.

"Hello, dear," Mrs. Weasley said cheerily, walking into the room. Harry closed the door behind her and went back downstairs.

"What brings you here?" Hermione asked.

"I'm here to cheer you up."

Hermione sighed. "No offense, Mrs. Weasley's, but I'm not really sure anything can do that."

Mrs. Weasley's smile did not falter. "Well, it's worth a shot, isn't it?"

Hermione shrugged. "I suppose."

"Good," Mrs. Weasley's smiled one last time, then began the story. "Now, as you know, since I have many children. I had many pregnancies. And for the first five, everything went perfect."

Hermione laughed. "And I can't even make it through my first perfectly."

"Ah, but it was probably the worst thing for me."

"How could five perfect pregnancies be a bad thing?"

"Because by the time I got to my sixth, I expected perfection." She laughed. "That was the biggest let-down of my life."

"What happened?"

"Well," she said. "First, it was by far the most painful one of all. Ginny would not hold still when I was pregnant with her. And when she did, it was in the most uncomfortable positions possible. She would keep her foot right in my stomach, you can imagine how that felt."

Hermione laughed softly.

"So, just like you are now, I begged for her to just be born already." Mrs. Weasley's expression suddenly became solemn. "Well, I got my wish. She came, a little too early."

"I'm sorry," Hermione interrupted. "But somehow this doesn't sound like it's going to cheer me up."

"It will," Mrs. Weasley's assured her. "Ginny arrived a few weeks early. I was scared. There could have been serious damage." She paused and smiled. "But there wasn't. She was perfect. Small, but perfectly fine." She shook her head. "Ginny's been a survivor since day one."

Mrs. Weasley's eyes were brimming with tears now. She placed a hand on top of Hermione's. "You had a very close call, but you made it through. And now, you've almost made it. It's bound to happen soon. And when it does, I promise it will be worth it."

Hermione smiled for a moment, then it left just as suddenly as it had come. She gripped Mrs. Weasley's hand suddenly. "Mrs. Weasley?"

A look of worry took over Mrs. Weasley's face. "What's the matter, dear?"

"My water just broke."

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