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15 Years Later

The people appeared one by one on the other side of the wall. A young man, barely of age, stepping onto the platform for the last time as a student. An adolescent girl, feeling older than she is, taking this year more seriously than the others before. A younger girl, no longer scared like she was in her first two years, but finally feeling that she's found her people and can be happy in the place she'll leave for in minutes. A young boy, not on the platform for the first time, but leaving on the scarlet train for the first time.

But the last two people appeared together, hand in hand. Now middle-aged, there were definite changes in their appearances since they were here as students. But they were still recognizable. Though they both had small bits of gray in their hair, Hermione's was no less bushy and Harry's no less messy. The same large, round glasses were still perched on Harry's nose. But the main thing that remained the same was that they were next to each other, just as they had been when they were students, even if they hadn't been a couple at the time.

They caught up to their children, who were greeting their friends, excited to spend nine months together at school.

"Oi! Harry! Hermione!" The two turned at the sound of their names to see a smiling, freckle-covered face underneath the signature red hair.

"Ron!" Harry smiled back and hugged his best friend. Hermione hugged Ron as well, then asked, "Where's Ginny?"

"Right here," answered Ginny right behind her. Hermione turned and hugged Ginny as well.

"Where's the baby?" Hermione asked excitedly.

"Ralph has her," Ginny told Hermione, and they both turned in time to see Ginny's husband appearing on their side of the wall. In his arms was Adeline. She was six months old now, and on the day she was born, Ginny had asked Hermione to be her godmother.

Hermione reached her arms out and Ralph handed Adeline over to her. "Hi, baby," Hermione cooed.

While Hermione was busy doting over the baby, Harry greeted Suzanne, Ron's wife, who had just walked away from the children.

By looking at the scene in front of them, anybody who had known them years ago would wonder how they had gotten where they were today.

Ron met Suzanne at Harry and Hermione's wedding. She was a Muggle, a friend of Hermione's family. Both of them had feelings for each other from the beginning, but the timing wasn't right. Suzanne was in a serious relationship that didn't end until a year later. Five months later, she and Ron crossed paths again. The two of them got married after two years together and their first child was born before their second anniversary.

His name was Arthur Robert Weasley, named after both of his parents' fathers. He looked like a Weasley. He had bright red hair, freckles, and was tall and lanky like his father. He carried on the tradition and was sorted into Gryffindor.

Just a year later, his sister was born. She looked like her mother. Her hair and eyes were both dark brown. She was medium height and had an athletic build. She was named Frances Molly Weasley, after both of her parents' mothers. It was impossible to guess what house she would be sorted into, since she showed traits of all of them. She was going to Hogwarts for the first time today, and Arthur for the second.

Ginny met Ralph when she was twenty-two and was working part time at The Leaky Cauldron while she studied to become a Healer. Ralph came in one night during a bad snow storm. Ginny had been wiping glasses and was surprised to see somebody come in. "What are you doing away from home?" She asked. "The snow's been like this for almost a week. I've been stuck here for days."

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