Chapter 4

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Harry woke up very suddenly and he couldn't understand why. He had been sleeping very peacefully. A nightmare hadn't woken Harry in months. But lately, he had been waking up in the middle of the night for no conceivable reason. Although each time he woke, he always had the feeling that something was wrong.

Being responsible for a child now, Harry at first assumed that worries about Teddy were keeping him awake. He had originally put the baby's crib in a room a few doors down from his own. Thinking it would solve the problem, Harry had moved the crib into his own bedroom. But still, Harry would often wake up at night and find Teddy safe and sound asleep.

Tonight, there was no question. Maybe because they were closer than they had been in months, maybe because she felt worse tonight, or maybe for now particular reason at all, Harry knew without a doubt that it was Hermione who was troubled.

Harry turned the light on and stood up, wanting to go and see her, but remembered that he didn't know what room she was in. He sighed and began to pave back and forth. He became even more worried when he remembered that he's been having these feelings for over two months now. If it had been Hermione all this time, what was wrong with her? What had been keeping her up at night for so long?

Harry had always cared deeply for Hermione. He even had feelings for her for a couple years. But as he got older, he had feelings for other girls and forgot about Hermione. Although there had been moments when he questioned whether he really was over her, Harry had always just brushed it off. And now he was with Ginny. He was happy. But Hermione wasn't. That was his only problem.

Slowly, Harry started to clam down. He stopped pacing and sat back down on his bed, deciding he should get some sleep.


When Harry saw Hermione the next morning, he knew he had been right about her being troubled. He could tell by the circles under her eyes that she had lost sleep last night. She sat down next to him and silently started her breakfast, not even making eye contact with Harry. That wasn't like her. Hermione always said good morning.

"Hermione, are you alright?" Harry asked her quietly.

She looked up at him for a fleeting moment, then looked away again. "I'm fine, Harry," she said in a tone that told him she didn't want to talk about it.

Harry considered pressing the matter further, but just then Ginny sat down next to him. She smiled. "Morning, Harry," she said brightly, kissing him quickly.

"Morning, Ginny," Harry replied, putting on what he hoped was a convincing smile. He engaged in conversation with Ginny, but he only had one thing on his mind; he was going to find out what was the matter with Hermione today.


Harry kept his word. On the walk from Herbology to Potions that day, he cornered her. But she still refused to tell him what was wrong.

But try as she might, Hermione couldn't avoid Harry all day. As they had both decided to become Aurors, they had the same schedule. Harry asked Hermione what was wrong many times that day, and as badly as Hermione wanted to tell him, she knew it would just complicate everything. But she could see how worried he was for her, and she couldn't help herself. Could it really hurt if he was the only one who knew? Yes, her thoughts warned her. But she knew she couldn't keep anything from Harry. So finally, she told him her room number and told him to come after dinner.

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