Chapter 21

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The year was going fast. February was gone and March was nearly over. Harry and Hermione were packing their trunks, spending the Easter holidays the same way they'd spent their Christmas holidays: together. This time, Hermione didn't nag Harry to finish his homework before they left.

Harry was seeing Hermione's parents for the second time now, so he acted like he wasn't nervous at all. But he was just as - if not more - nervous than he was last time.

Hermione attempted to teach Harry the spell that she used to get her things into her trunk, but after a few failed attempts in which object rose a few inches into the air then fell back to their starting place, Hermione shook her head and gathered their things. Harry smiled gratefully at her. "What would I do without you, Hermione?"

She smirked as she closed her trunk. "You'd take a hell of a lot longer to get your things packed. You'd also never finish your homework."

Harry shook his head. "Well, at least don't have to lose you to find out."

Hermione nodded, then lifted her trunk off his bed and looked at her watch. "We have twenty minutes left."

Harry whooped. "Five minutes earlier than last time!"

Hermione rolled her eyes and shook her head. "Come on, you big dork, let's go."

They both made their way out the door then. This was their last vacation before exams started, and they intended to enjoy it.


This time, they didn't spend as much as time at Andromeda's as they did over Christmas vacation. Andromeda picked them up at King's Cross, and after visiting with her for a while, Harry and Hermione took Teddy and went to Grimmauld Place, where they spent most of the break.

Teddy would be turning a year old soon, and Harry wanted to spend as much time with him as possible.

On his birthday, Teddy woke like he always did. Hearing his cries, Harry got up to take care of him. Hermione, Harry now realized, was a much slept much deeper than he did. She never woke up when Teddy cried.

"Hey, Ted, happy birthday!" Harry whispered to the infant, lifting him out of his crib. He carried Teddy to the room next door to change his diaper. When this was finished, Harry took him down the kitchen. "I suppose you're hungry, aren't you?" Teddy nodded in reply.

Harry placed Teddy in his high chair and rummaged through the cupboard, eventually pulling out mashed bananas. "I never will understand how babies can stand to eat this stuff," he muttered to himself, grabbing a spoon and setting them both on the tray. "Here you go, Ted. Eat up."

Andromeda had informed Harry in a letter that Teddy liked to feed himself, though more food ended up on his clothes than in his mouth. Harry chuckled at his godson's appearance as he bustled around the kitchen making tea.

Harry turned when he heard footsteps and saw Hermione standing in the doorway, her hair a mess and a smile one her face. He returned her smile. "Morning, Hermione," he said, pecking her on the lips.

"Morning, Harry," she answered happily before turning to the child. "Morning, Teddy! Happy birthday, buddy!"

"One!" Teddy babbled happily.

"Yes, you're one!" Hermione said delightedly. Then she turned back to Harry. "You know, if you were feeding him, he might actually be eating something."

"I know," Harry told her, handing her a cup of tea. "But Andromeda says he refuses to let you feed him. He wants to feed himself."

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